The Retirement Nightmare

The retirement nightmare can take many forms but the content is basically the same. It is a disillusionment of what retirement should be about and has not delivered. The Retirement Nightmare



It is a rather eye-opening experience for sure. It can manifest as fear, doubt, uncertainty, and boredom. These are not the qualities that we expected to experience after a lifelong dedication to our work endeavors. Let’s explore this a bit more and see what solutions we can discover.

The Retirement Nightmare — Retirement Planning

“Financial literacy is an issue that should command our attention because many Americans are not adequately organizing finances for their education, healthcare and retirement.” — Ron Lewis —

This is something that is so easy to put off especially in our younger years. It is as if our retirement will never arrive or that things will just work themselves out when we get there.

The retirement nightmare is that this is not usually the case. When we arrive at retirement unprepared all of these fears and doubts now become reality.

Retirement age differs for each of us, but at some point, it does arrive. Semi-retirement can be a viable option for many reasons. There are many retirement jobs that are part-time and keep us actively involved socially as well as bringing in additional income.

Jobs after retirement have become an option for many people regardless of financial need. Many folks who choose early retirement can find that it is not as fulfilling as they desire, and prefer to do some work within their daily routine.

All of this uncertainty can be lessened to a large degree with some advanced retirement planning. It is easy to put off, but it is just as easy to do.

Instead of being a scary or uncomfortable process, retirement planning can be simple. It just needs to be scheduled into a person’s weekly routine.

No matter what the current situation there are options and solutions.

  1. Acceptance of current status (when logically reviewed in most cases it’s not as bad as some folks anticipate)
  2. If finances are a problem consider working a bit longer in order to save more, spend less, and still enjoy life. Semi-retirement (doing work that is enjoyable is a viable option.)
  3. Downsize a bit with home and other possessions. This can provide additional cash and less stuff to maintain.
  4. Relocate to another area that is pleasant to live in while also being less expensive
  5. Review current investments to ensure that they are in line with current market conditions and the global/political situation. This is where a fiduciary investment advisor can assist in putting together a viable financial plan.
  6. Pay off debts and plan for healthcare costs

All of these are ways to avoid the retirement nightmare. With the proper mindset, any retirement scenario can be improved.

A More Enlightened Approach to Retirement

Taking a more enlightened approach to retirement begins with accepting where we are right at this moment in terms of the quality of our retirement. Whether we are already retired or soon to be, taking a realistic assessment is essential.

Once this is done we can do our research, come up with some viable options, and then make whatever changes are necessary. Depending on our situation this can seem to be an overwhelming task. This is why it is essential to seek the assistance of professionals as needed.

This is a step-by-step process and each step in the desired direction, no matter how small, is worthwhile.

Another important aspect of all this is for us to be grateful for all that we have right this moment. Joy and happiness are present moment choices, and gratitude is essential to creating those feelings.

As we make any necessary improvements we will increase our levels of happiness and joy by feeling a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. We grow by stretching our current abilities and continually testing ourselves. None of us are even close to maxing out our potential.

Our dreams, visions, and energy that we possessed as children are now re-awakened as we create our ultimate retirement scenario. We use the emotional, mental, psychological, and spiritual power that we have developed over the years to not only live life fully but make a positive impact in the world as well.

Let’s reclaim that energy now and intentionally create an ideal retirement filled with meaning and purpose regardless of our current circumstances. These circumstances are our starting point, and by asking ourselves deep and penetrating questions we will find the answers that are unique to each and every one of us.

Asking Good Questions to Avoid The Retirement Nightmare

A few of these questions may be,

  • What exactly would my ideal retirement look like?
  • What does freedom really mean to me?
  • How do I desire to spend my additional time when retired or semi-retired?
  • If not retired, when do I plan to do so?
  • What do I really want to accomplish at this point in life while also enjoying my increased time freedom?

These are just a few questions to get you started. A little reflection will unearth the questions that are most meaningful to you.

Let’s Elude The Retirement NightmareThe Retirement Nightmare

When we take a more enlightened approach to retirement, we not only remedy areas of our lives in practical ways, but we also discover parts of ourselves that have remained hidden while we were immersed in the day-to-day struggles of life. It is now time to look beyond any retirement nightmare, to all the possibilities that exist right here and now.

By doing this we will not only find viable solutions to our challenges but may even surprise ourselves by living so large that we actually make a significant positive impact in the world.

Whether we are presently apprehensive or enthusiastic about retirement, let’s start right this moment to change our mindset so that we don’t merely retire, but actually “rewire” our expectations and create a viable plan of action that includes much joy and fulfillment. This plan includes all of our needs both financial and non-financial.

With a viable plan, we will not only avoid the retirement nightmare but we will find the transition into retirement more enjoyable. We will have created a vision of what we desire our present and future to be.

When we challenge ourselves to discover our true passions and interests, we can more easily let go of other activities that no longer have a high priority. Our skills, values, and talents will lead the way. The retirement nightmare will have no place in our lives.

I look forward to all of us maximizing our retirement years in positive and meaningful ways.

Joseph William

P.S. For those who would enjoy using their talents, skills, and values in meaningful ways that also produce additional streams of income, here is My Recommendation for a Viable Online Training Platform.

The Retirement NightmareClick Above for Online Marketing Training Information

2 thoughts on “The Retirement Nightmare”

  1. Hi Joseph,

    Retirement has been a nightmare for many people especially in Africa where I am originated. It is always late when people realize to start saving or organizing for their retirement. I personally believe that many folks need to be educated at earliest age about retirement.

    Thank you for this article. 

    • Thank you Aubin for your thoughts on retirement. I agree people need to be educated at an early age on the realities of the financial world and how to effectively manage their investments and financial future.


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