Wealthy Affiliate Review For Online Marketing & Income Generation

With this review of the Wealthy Affiliate online platform, I intend to indicate why Wealthy Affiliate is for you in order to learn strategies of online marketing that are effective and work in the real world of internet marketing.  In order to create a successful online presence and income, it is imperative to have a foundation built upon sound marketing principles.

Marketing Plan

This is what you will find here at Wealthy Affiliate. Plenty of training and support is provided. This will not only enhance what you are currently doing online, but it will position you for future growth and expansion as well.   


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Here’s what to gain from My Wealthy Affiliate Review:

  1. To gain a good understanding of what Wealthy Affiliate is all about so that you can make an informed decision as if it is right for you
  2. To bypass all the hype and nonsense around internet marketing and focus on the core issues of what it takes to really succeed
  3. To be encouraged to take action if this is something that you want to do
  4. To realize that this does take a good amount of time, effort, and work but that it is doable given the proper commitment and desire
  5. To recognize if Wealthy Affiliate is for you

Given all the hype and false promises that permeate the online world, you would be wise to carefully research any opportunity or program. Here you will find some basic facts and statistics about this program that will help you logically assess this program. Let’s start with an overview and my rankings, and then go from there.

Overview and Rankings

Name: Wealthy Affiliate

Owners: Kyle and Carson

Website URL: www.wealthaffiliate.com

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Research Tools: 4.7 out of 5

Website Builder: 4.8 out of 5

Training: 4.9 out of 5

Success Stories: 4.5 out of 5

WordPress Hosting: 4.8 out of 5

Support: 5 out of 5

Price: Starter Member is Free, Premium Member is either $49/Month or $359/Year (save $229  at 29.92/Month), Premium Plus+ is either $99/Month or $499/Year (save $689 at $41.58/Month), Premium Plus+with Dedicated Server is either $399/Month or $3990/Year (save $798 at $332.50/Month)

As you can see there is a significant discount for paying on an annual basis.

The UN-Retired Entrepreneur Rating: 4.8 out of 5


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The Core Concept of The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

To break this down into simple terms the core concept of this program is to teach the fundamental principles of internet marketing so that you can earn money online consistently for a lifetime. How is this accomplished?

By building a blog-type website that is monetized by affiliate income sources.

  1. Build your website based on your preferred niche (training available in selecting the best niche for you)
  2. Write articles related to that niche (this can be outsourced but it is not hard to write about what you are most passionate)

  3. Add affiliate links to your articles


  1. Just do this and no other training is necessary, but the only thing that holds us back is our mindset. 


  1. Eliminate doubt and worry and you’re good to go (We can help you with this as well)

Why Wealthy Affiliate Is For You

Wealthy Affiliate as an All-In-One Approach To Digital Marketing

Basically the key ingredient with the Wealthy Affiliate platform is that you have all you need in one place. This includes website hosting, a website builder, WordPress training, research tools, and all the training and support you can handle.  Why Wealthy Affiliate Is For You

The bottom line is that this equates to steady progress toward your goals and the ultimate level of your success, whatever that may be for you. It’s just a matter of following the step-by-step process and asking questions along the way.

Even with the free membership option you will be amazed at the way that Wealthy Affiliate sets itself apart from other online training platforms.  With its professional approach for beginners, additional guidance for experienced online marketers, support options, live chat, the community set-up, and support, live weekly training sessions, and the training library, you have at your fingertips an educational goldmine, coupled with an affiliate program which can produce consistent revenue.

Here’s What You’ll Learn about Online Marketing in the Wealthy Affiliate program:

  • How to define your niche
  • Different levels of affiliate marketing training (takes you Step-by-Step through the process)
  • Ways to obtain support on your Online Journey
  1. Chat live
  2. Support tickets
  3. Community access
  4. Private messaging
  5. Classrooms
  6. Member blogs
  7. Lesson questions
  • Importance of website design and site structure
  • The valuable component of keyword research 
  • Access to a high-level keyword research tool
  • Understanding that time is on your side and there are no shortcuts to success
  • Developing the proper mindset for success
  • How a mentor can speed up your progress and keep you on track
  • When and how to scale your business

These are some of the main components of what you will learn, but there is so much more that will become evident once you fully immerse yourself in this valuable training. 


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Wealthy Affiliate also Provides Unparalleled Training & Support Why Wealthy Affiliate Is For You

This right here is the rocket fuel that can propel you along the way to creating a successful online business. Whenever you need help, answers are available from fellow members as well as the owners themselves. You will never be left on your own wondering what to do. (Do Not Underestimate the Value of this).

This type of support for both technical and business development issues is invaluable. You can put your mind at ease, and spend your precious time creating your very own business model, which is unique to your talents, interests, and abilities. You are surrounded by a “Community of Experts” who really care about your success.

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” — Steve Jobs —


What Do I Have To Do To Succeed Online? Why Wealthy Affiliate Is For You

All the tools and support are here.  Once you have made a commitment to build your online business, you only need to decide whether you want to specialize in a specific niche around your interests or passions or create a business in the internet marketing space. With either direction, you can utilize affiliate products, create your own products or services, or do a combination of both.  Either way, the training is here to lead you step-by-step to your ultimate goal.

Wealthy Affiliate Offers A No-Risk Trial Opportunity

What’s even more fantastic is that you can try this out on a free basis and then upgrade later, or even stay a free member and be able to get your business off to a solid start. Believe me, you will most likely want to upgrade for the additional features, but there is no pressure to do so.

This is absolutely a wonderful opportunity for folks who may be frustrated with all the false promises out there, and want to create a real online business, which provides a sustainable income both now and well into the future. Plus, you will develop the skills to be able to duplicate your success over and over again.

Here’s What You Get In The Wealthy Affiliate Online Training Platform Wealthy Affiliate Education

The training and support with the Wealthy Affiliate platform far surpass anything else out there in this market segment of the industry. Also, there isn’t another Managed Hosting company in the industry that can compete with the hosting offered at Wealthy Affiliate. This platform has been improving for the last fifteen (15) years, and there is no end in sight.

The Wealthy Affiliate “Free” Option

Although you have limited access to the Wealthy Affiliate dashboard,  some of the training videos and community features are ongoing in the free option, while other features are time-limited such as the chats.  Here is what you specifically get with the Free option:

  • One (1) websites
  • Website backup
  • Live help & assistance for the first seven (7) days
  • Personal affiliate blog
  • Affiliate program
  • Affiliate Bootcamp training [Phase One (1) only]
  • Beginner training course
  • Keyword research tool [thirty (30) searches]
  • Training classrooms (2)
  • Video walk-throughs
  • One (1) -on- One (1) coaching [seven (7) days]

I recommend trying things out with the Free Version first. This allows you to get your feet wet by getting acquainted with what this online platform is all about, and how much it offers you in creating a solid foundation for any type of online business you desire to build for long-term profits.  Once you are familiar with the high quality of this training, the Premium or Paid Version will provide additional ongoing training and support to keep you on track.

                                 TAKE THE JUMP! CLICK BELOW!

Why Wealthy Affiliate Is For You


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Wealthy Affiliate Premium/Paid Version

Here is all that you will ever need to build a successful business online.  You can compare it to other marketing sites out there, many of which are very good, but given the amount and quality of resources, training, help, and tools available, there is no comparison to be made.  Wealthy Affiliate, as you will soon learn for yourself, blows them all away.

To get started immediately Click Here to begin…

Although there are several online marketing platforms that provide a high degree of value, many of them are not kept up-to-date with the latest technological breakthroughs.  With Wealthy Affiliate, new training is added daily, and you have unlimited access to a vault of all past pieces of training for reference on specific topics.  These are supplemented with weekly training videos as well.

Here are some features included with the Premium/Paid Version on an ongoing basis:

  • Support (Live Chat, SiteSupport, Q & A)
  • One (1) Free Domain
  • Personal Mentoring
  • Community
  • Training Courses, Step by Step
  • Live Video Classes
  • Video Walk-Throughs
  • Weekly Live Classes (and 100’s of hours of replays)
  • Ambassadorship Program
  • Online Entrepreneur Certification
  • Affiliate Bootcamp — Seven (7) Phases
  • The Affiliate Program [Two (2) times higher payout]
  • Networking
  • Building Websites
  • Website Performance Tools (SiteRubix)
  • Website Engagement Platform (SiteComments)
  • The Hosting Platform
  • SiteContent Writing Platform
  • Keyword Research Tool (Unlimited searches)
  • Unlimited private messaging
  • Unlimited live help
  • Ten (10) websites
  • Website security package
  • Website back-up
  • Website Support 24/7/365
  • Website Feedback Forum
  • Website Analysis
  • Website Comment Forum
  • Full Access to Beginner Training
  • Training Classrooms — Two (2)
  • Earn while you learn
  • One (1) on One (1) coaching — Unlimited
  • Private Access to Webinars

Wealthy Affiliate’s Premium Plus+ Bundle

  • Jaaxy Enterprise. This is our flagship membership of Jaaxy, it includes many features including instant results, instant QSR, SiteRank tracking, multi-tab search, and more comprehensive and elaborate search results across all platforms. If bought separately, the current price of Jaaxy Enterprise is $99/month or $999/year. It is now fully included in the Premium Plus+ membership!

  • A New Tier of Hosting. With Premium Plus+, you have hosting for up to 50 websites (on your own domains, or SiteRubix, you choose!). Comparable hosting plans in the Managed WordPress Industry are $2,000 to $5,000 per year.

  • 200+ expert classes per year. This is a BRAND NEW platform, available exclusively to Premium Plus+ members. Every week you are going to have access to a number of classes that you can attend, in real time and communicate directly with class experts via live Q & A. This is far more education than you would receive going with a $25,000 per year university degree…and you are getting taught by people that are actually in the trenches, showing you what works and what doesn’t. Included is full access to all past classes with unlimited replays.

  • Upcoming Premium Plus+ only features. We are going to be rolling out many additional Premium Plus+ only features in the future. This will include more advanced access to advanced website platforms, comprehensive research tools through Jaaxy enterprise, expert levels of support, and of course a lot of Classes on topics relevant to the online business world NOW!

  • Dark Mode/Crown Icon. You also have the option of going to “Dark Mode” within the Premium Plus membership. This is another way of distinguishing yourself, and it is a pretty cool look. It ties in well with the Premium Plus+ membership and CROWN icon that you have associated with your account. 
  • Two (2) Free Domains



Premium Plus+with Dedicated server

Everything in Premium Plus, with a dedicated server.

This includes:

  • Daily Expert Classes
  • 50 websites
  • Dedicated Server ($399/mo value)
  • Includes Customized Site Migration
  • All Premium Plus+ Features
  • Advanced AI Training 


I know this is quite a lot, but it enables you to get started with the Step-by-Step training, and then supplement it with the other resources as needed. It is an All-Encompassing Platform from which you can consistently Learn and Earn no matter what your present level of expertise.

Maybe now you will realize what I meant when I said that there was no comparison between Wealthy Affiliate and other online training/marketing platforms.  For example, the Keyword Research Tool alone, which provides you with unlimited in-depth searches, would cost forty-nine ($49) per month or more just for this one feature alone.  Not to mention the additional costs for adequate website hosting and security.

While starting any type of business takes investment, why not invest your money wisely in a proven system which has been producing results since 2005.  You have everything you need in one place to start and sustain a successful online business.

Plus there are so many success stories that you can find on Wealthy Affiliate.  As we move through 2020, more and more people are succeeding with Wealthy Affiliate.  Not only that, but many people do not even promote this program, but spend their time successfully promoting many products and services in a large number of different niches.

Although Wealthy Affiliate by itself can earn you a large Full-Time Income, it is not the only revenue source available to you.  You can use this training to create substantial profits in any area in which you have an interest.

I think you can see by now why Wealthy Affiliates was given such a high rating in this review. So please do yourself a favor, and check this out on a no-risk basis.


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Now for a Few Testimonials: Why Wealthy Affiliate Is For You


Why Wealthy Affiliate Is For You

Why Wealthy Affiliate Is For You

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Jay Testimonial

Why Wealthy Affiliate Is For You

My Final Conclusions About Wealthy Affiliates As A Marketing & Digital Income Resource:   
Why Wealthy Affiliate Is For You

The Final Word on My Wealthy Affiliate Review

Wealthy Affiliate is in a class by itself, so it warrants a very high rating in this review. Whether you are starting your online business career, or you are many steps down the road, this platform contains all you will ever need to succeed.

Sometimes it is rather confusing when trying to determine the best online business opportunities. I look forward that I provided some good practical advice on why Wealthy Affiliate is for you. 

Although this platform is well suited and helpful to experienced marketers, this whole program is a goldmine for people beginning their internet marketing careers. And yes, it is a career. Once you learn the fundamentals, you have the knowledge and ability to create an income for life.

Let’s sum up why Wealthy Affiliate is the ideal platform to learn the fundamentals of internet marketing, as well as creating a viable income and business asset.

  • Wealthy Affiliate University
  • Live weekly training
  • Hosting platform
  • Domains
  • Comment forum
  • Keyword research tool
  • Wealthy Affiliate community
  • Affiliate program
  • Start with the free option
  • And so much more…

Everything you need to be knowledgeable and successful in online marketing is located on this platform all in one place.  Basic and advanced tools, step-by-step training, and a dedicated online community that is there to support your efforts and Answer All of Your Questions.

There has never been a better time to join Wealthy Affiliate because of all the additional features and benefits which have been added at no additional cost.  Feel free to contact me directly with any questions about this training and to obtain your valuable bonus.

Why Wealthy Affiliate Is For You
Get started now for Free.

In addition, you will be on your journey surrounded by numerous experts in all facets of technology and online marketing, while learning to be effective and successful in any chosen niche. CLICK HERE and discover for yourself why Wealthy Affiliate is for you!

To your Success,



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Why Wealthy Affiliate Is For YouCLICK on the Image Above



40 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate Review For Online Marketing & Income Generation”

  1. I don’t want to sound basis but Wealthy Affiliate by far has the best training when it comes to the line of work and the good part is you can start building your business for free no money down. There are many success stories here at this community that shows that the training which they offer do help dreams come through.

  2. That’s a pretty accurate review of WA. I’ve used the site for a long time and I can say from experience that it has everything in one place. But I haven’t been happy with the hosting part before. I had problems with site loading and the speed wasn’t up to par. Luckily, they’ve heard the problem and release the second version of hosting that is available to members. My sites have never been so fast, so I commend them for that.

    • Thanks Alex. They are responsive to the need of the community. This is just one example how they have made constructive upgrades to their platform. All the Best.

  3. Wealthy Affiliate has one of the best online education programs hands down. I never regretted the day I made the decision to join this company and utilize the resources given. What is even amazing you are allowed to try the company for one month free then you pay a subscription thereafter. They know their stuff. I love how your article described wealthy affiliate and their marketing plan. Well done!!

    • Thank you Jaye. I am so happy that you are progressing well with Wealthy Affiliate. I look forward to your continued success. All the Best.

  4. Hi, I must commend your work here. You’ve done well. Well for me wealthy affiliate is by far better than every other online business platform. WA gives you an opportunity to greatness with the best online training courses to guide you in becoming an expert in online business. Also the amazing thing about wealthy affiliate is that you have all you want in one place.

    • Thank you Philebur for your sincere comments on Wealthy Affiliate. I look forward to your tremendous success with this program. All the very Best to You.

  5. This is good. It has all the answers a person needs to make the decision. As I read it, I saw how experienced your are at helping many to their goals. The Overview and rankings that is catchy for people who like stats. Then you came to the no risk trial opportunity. That moved me and reading what I get even from the free option. I can’t resist this. This is an eye opener.

    • Thank you Micheal for your thoughts and comments. This is a wonderful opportunity which is a pleasure to share with others. All the Best.

  6. Hello, a valuable topic that is. WA is a lot of affiliate marketers turning point. My point is, the main thing in this WA is the starter membership. Anyone can start creating a website for free. When going forward you can choose premium membership it is the heart of this training program. We need to mention that Kyle & Carson were doing a fabulous job within the WA. We can recommend this site to anyone without any doubt. Keep up the good work.


    • Thanks Janu for your comments. It is an amazing online platform for people of all levels of experience. All the Best.

  7. Hello Joseph – Great review about Wealthy Affiliate.  All true and accurate.  They have certainly been a godsend for me while I was wandering through the waters of affiliate marketing.  There is so much to learn that it can be overwhelming.  But wealthy Affiliate’s step by step approach is truly invaluable.  I haven’t been able to depend on my website for income yet, but it does take time.

    • Thanks Nathaniel. It does take time for sure but it is so worth it. Learning the basics and fundamentals of this business provides an ongoing lifetime income. Once you have these skills you have the tools of succees which can be duplicated at any time. I appreciate your comments.

  8. BY far Wealthy Affiliate has the best online training in the world when it come to this line od work I would encourage outthere that is looking for a platform that has a proven track record in helping people from all walk of life to have a successful online business.

  9. Thank you for this great and very simplified review on Wealthy Affiliate. Wealthy Affiliate is structured to carry every member along and the members are very friendly and helpful. The lessons and instructions are designed in a way that even Newbie does not find it difficult to get a niche and build a Website in less than 30mins and very fascinatin is the fact that someone can earn full Income in Wealthy Affiliate. 

    • Thanks so much for your comments and thoughts. They are appreciated. This is an All-in-One platform suited for newbies as well as more experienced marketers. All the Best.

  10. In these hard-times, looking for something that is cheap by comparison and can offer a return on investment is so important.

    As a new member (2 months), I can certainly confirm that Wealthy Affiliate is by the best value-for-money platform available today. The training is good! (superb for beginners). The community is excellent and technical support is simply the best I have ever seen. And that come from a guy that has worked in IT support (not at WA) for over 20 years.

    If your looking for an opportunity to start a business online, you will not find a better one than WA.

    • Thanks Lawrence for your comments and insights. It means a lot hearing what you have to say based on your extensive experience in information technology. I appreciate you taking the time to comment. All the very best.

  11. Wealthy Affiliate is an outstanding platform to build long term wealth and have fun doing it at the same time. Picking a niche was easy and the training by Kyle was excellent and complete. I am fairly new but am learning everyday how to be a successful Affiliate Marketer. Great job on our article as it was a complete and good review.

  12. I have been with Wealthy Affiliate for almost 2 years and I can recommend them 100%!!  I came into the program with no knowledge of affiliate marketing or running a website and they taught me everything I needed to know.  The community is extensive and very happy to help however they can.  Some of these people have been doing this for years so the amount of experience is amazing.  Since it’s free to check it out, I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t! 

    • Thanks for your thoughts on this and for sharing your experience with Wealthy Affiliate. I appreciate it.  I have also benefited tremendously from this platform. All the Best.

  13. The only thing I have against Wealthy Affiliate is how many doors wound up getting blasted open once I actually got off my stubborn high horse and signed up with them.

    Oh, wait, that’s not a negative review. It’s a positive one! Honestly, I have nothing against Wealthy Affiliate at all! I highly encourage anybody who really wants to break free from whatever situation they’re in they’re not happy with, to really give Wealthy Affiliate a go. It’s worth it!

  14. When I first researched affiliate marketing, I was sceptical at first when I saw Wealthy Affiliate because other platforms made many false promises and showed lower star ratings. So, I thought, why not join up and do the 7-day free trial to see how they operate.

    I did complete the 7-day trial, and I upgraded to premium membership before the end of my free trial period. I’ve not looked back since.

    Wealthy Affiliate has provided me with all the tools I needed to get me up and run with my affiliate marketing and AeroGardening websites. I have had plenty of help and support from the community.

    Great place to be.

  15. Hi Joseph. Thank you for very interesting article. I Just started my adventure with digital marketing and I already learnt that its not easy to find good affiliate platform for beginners. But wealthy affiliate was definitely my best choice. With tons of trainings, supportive community and webhosting it is great starting point to marketing world.

  16. I like that we can completely try this platform out for free. And the fact that they have so many tools available under their umbrella makes this offer to good to refuse. Thank you for this review on Wealthy Affiliate. I have been trying to get started online and this seems to be the beast place to learn the basics.

  17. Hey great article! 

    I can say I agree with many of the statements! Wealthy affiliate is a great place for starting an online business whether you are experienced or just starting out on this journey. Support is always available which is great and you have everything there for you to succeed. It’s basically you yourselves that needs to decide if you want to succeed by not giving up.

  18. Hi, Joseph! I really enjoyed reading this article. I am a current member of Wealthy Affiliate and have been extremely satisfied by my experience with the service so far. Like you said, the members go above and beyond to pay it forward, so everyone brings each other up as they find success. I will be keeping my membership with them for a long time!

    • Thanks for your thoughts on my Wealthy Affiliate Review. Much appreciated. I wish you the very Best on your journey to continued long term success with Wealthy Affiliate. 

  19. Hi Joseph, Well done for putting together such an in-depth review you cover this information here well. I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since I think it was January or February 2020. Prior to joining, I tried building websites prior to WA with Wix and other free hosting platforms, even blogger I used for a couple of years but I really liked the early lessons I learned from WA. I think the main course fails to share a couple of points but actually, I think the extra training published by WA members covers a lot of this. I definitely feel this is a good platform to get started with and if you actually sign up under the right person this gives you the opportunity for mentorship. Potential is certainly here with WA.

    Best regards;


    • Thanks for your insights and thoughts Alex on Wealthy Affiliate. With enough commitment and determination, any level of success can be achieved within WA given all that it includes within the platform. Mentorship is important as well. All the Best.


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