Enlightened People Today — Not Far Away

Enlightened People Today

Who are the enlightened people today? Over the years we have had many great thinkers who have produced remarkable work in several fields. Even today we have many outstanding minds that are paving the way in technology, health, and other areas. But what I would like to discuss here are the enlightened folks among us … Read more

Azenhas Do Mar, Portugal

Azenhas Do Mar, Portugal

Azenhas Do Mar, Portugal, a province of Sintra, is a seaside town. Its name means “Watermills of the Sea”. Over the years a stream powered the watermills as it flowed into the sea. With its white-washed building and red roofs, it overlooks the Atlantic Ocean from the high cliffs. It is located about 19 miles … Read more

Difference Between Reacting, Responding

Difference Between Reacting, Responding

There is a major difference between reacting, responding. At the core of this difference lies our ultimate freedom to Be Who we really Are. This may sound a bit out there, but let’s investigate a bit and see what we discover. On the surface, the difference if any, may seem slight. But digging below the … Read more

Best Marine Phytoplankton — Treasure From The Sea

Best Marine Phytoplankton

The best marine phytoplankton is the result of several factors. Phytoplankton, also known as microalgae, is mostly recognized for providing food for shellfish and other sea creatures. The word itself is derived from the Greek words “phyto” or plant, and “planktos” or wandering. It has now become known as a superfood from the ocean with … Read more

Visiting Prague, Czech Republic

Visiting Prague, Czech Republic

Visiting Prague, Czech Republic is an interesting and rewarding experience. Prague is a charming city and the capital of the country. Called the “City of a Hundred Spires” because of its Old Town Square, it is filled with many historic Gothic churches, colorful buildings and homes, and an Astronomical Clock. The Vltava River bisects it … Read more