Enlightened People Today — Not Far Away

Enlightened People Today

Who are the enlightened people today? Over the years we have had many great thinkers who have produced remarkable work in several fields. Even today we have many outstanding minds that are paving the way in technology, health, and other areas. But what I would like to discuss here are the enlightened folks among us … Read more

Difference Between Reacting, Responding

Difference Between Reacting, Responding

There is a major difference between reacting, responding. At the core of this difference lies our ultimate freedom to Be Who we really Are. This may sound a bit out there, but let’s investigate a bit and see what we discover. On the surface, the difference if any, may seem slight. But digging below the … Read more

Do We Know Ourselves? — Maybe Yes, Maybe No

Do We Know Ourselves

Do we know ourselves? That may sound like a relatively simple question, but on second glance it has tremendous meaning and the actual secret to fulfillment and happiness. “There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one’s self.” — Benjamin Franklin — That may sound quite outrageous to some, but let’s … Read more

How To Increase Attention To Detail

How To Increase Attention To Detail

To learn how to increase attention to detail is a valuable skill. Whatever we want to accomplish in any area of our lives can be more effectively and efficiently achieved with attention to detail This may seem to some a minor point, especially in mundane tasks that we are involved in daily. Nevertheless, this is … Read more

Change Your Subconscious Programming

Change Your Subconscious Programming

To change your subconscious programming, it is essential to bring its contents to the surface. Its power to control us is in the fact that we are unaware of exactly what it contains. Spending time discovering its contents is a tremendous return on investment. We are gaining access to the source of our conditioned egoic … Read more