How To Appeal To Reason

When we are struggling, it is good to know how to appeal to reason. When our ego gets in the way, this is the last thing we want to do.

Let’s outline a few ideas and steps we can use when confronted by our very own unreasonableness. Then we can move forward even though we are standing in our way.How to Appeal to Reason

How to Appeal to Reason When We Don’t Want To

“No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by argument or emotional appeal.”

— Marilyn Ferguson —

This is the major stumbling block in all areas of our lives. Our stubbornness and getting in our way blocks our progress.

We are quite capable of coming up with many excuses as to why things are not pleasing or working out for us, but that is all they are, alibis and excuses. Many years ago a dear friend shared with me that there is no need to get too creative with our excuses as anyone will do.

The point is that we either take responsibility and move forward or we don’t. No need to get fancy with our reasons or excuses for not doing what we know will benefit us.

Fear is the major roadblock that makes us not want to appeal to our reason which is based on the truth and not the illusions and alibis we made up to make us feel better about our decisions. It’s only delaying the inevitable.

Eventually, we will get sick and tired of putting up with receiving less than we deserve in life. At times, we do get physically sick over this as well.

These are all signs or symptoms of the underlying cause of our dilemma. Avoiding the truth keeps us stuck.

So how do we appeal to reason when we are in a fear-based emotional straitjacket with all these crazy thoughts flying through our heads?

Well, the first thing is to take a step back, relax a bit, and realize right this very moment things are okay. We are safe in the present moment regardless of any challenging circumstances we may be facing.

When we have let go a bit of all the craziness and allow ourselves to observe the parade instead of being caught up in the middle, we can then begin to sort things out a bit and appeal to the reasonable part of ourselves.

Some Helpful Tips to Appeal to Reason

  • use logic to determine what is valid instead of making assumptions
  • understand what we value and how we see things
  • be clear and concise in our evaluations
  • research facts and other information in coming to conclusions based on reason
  • address any resistance or arguments we come up with as it’s important to consider all sides of any issue
  • be patient and respectful to ourselves as we eliminate much of the excess baggage of false beliefs
  • consider all facts and logic in a calm and peaceful way
  • actively listen to our intuition
  • be willing to consider different perspectives
  • be honest with ourselves
  • be persistent in our efforts to eliminate the cloud cover to the truth

How to Appeal to Reason by Accessing Our Intuition

“Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.”

— Marcus Aurelius —

It’s important to do our due diligence and research on any issue, but at the same time, we must be willing to trust our gut as well. Being open to intuitive insights will open a whole new vista of opportunity in accessing that part of ourselves that operates by reason.

An open mind allows our intuition to get through our analytical mind and blesses us with much-needed guidance and support. We can bypass the cloud cover of our limiting ideas and perceptions and gain information that appeals to our reason.

The easiest way to access our intuition is by relaxing and going into a meditative or alpha state and making note of the ideas that surface. It also helps to ask relevant questions such as simply, “How do I access my reason and intuition?”, and then be patient without any expectations and see what shows up.

In other words, set up the process, let go, and don’t worry about it. The worry adds resistance that will block intuitive insights.

Do this regularly, a few minutes a day, and results will occur.

Our Reason Leads Us to the Truth

Behind all the illusions we have created in our lives by “assuming” this and that to be true without any real concrete evidence, lies our reasoning factor which is based on reality and the truth. As we learn to access this part of our mind, we can see things as they are and not as we perceive them to be.

The combination of research and contemplation will reveal the truth, and open up new areas for us to explore. All outdated ideas and information will simply slip away.

Here is a short test that reveals our blind spots.

Again, it’s important to be persistent to awaken from the dream that we have created.How to Appeal to Reason

How to Appeal to Reason with Love, Kindness, and Patience

This is a journey to re-discovering who we really Are. No need to rush or get flustered along the way. When we do, just remind ourselves to let go.

All of our confusion can be corrected as reason leads us to the obvious which is the truth. Otherwise, we are caught in the form of perception that has no meaning.

Form of any kind is changeable while the truth is changeless and eternal. The universe spells this out quite clearly when we pay attention.

With love, kindness, and patience we can traverse the illusionary world we created by our beliefs, and discover what was always there. Reason will lead the way.

In Peace & Love within the Light,

Joseph William

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How to Appeal to Reason

8 thoughts on “How To Appeal To Reason”

  1. Hey, as you have heard the expression knowledge is power. Well only one piece of knowledge can change your life and if your closed off to it then it can set you back many years and wasted thousands of hours and dollars. So it’s good not to be ao stubborn in learning  to prevent this. 

  2. There is a reason for everything and to way, people do what they do, now I am not saying that because a person makes decisions because of reason that it is right. It all comes done to facing the truth and getting the facts because it’s the facts that lead to the truth that will help us not only to reason but to make the right decisions.

  3. Hi Joseph,
    I really enjoyed reading this post and agree with your viewpoints.
    We tend to go with what we have been taught as children and need to take the time to think things through for ourselves. After all, what we decide to believe should be our own choice and will be affected by the experiences we have had along the way and the way we have lived our lives.
    You gave me such a lot to think about, for which I thank you.

  4. Hey there!
    What a thoughtful and insightful article on appealing to reason.
    I couldn’t agree more with your points about the importance of logic, evidence, and rationality in communication. In a world often clouded by emotions and biases, it’s refreshing to see content that encourages us to think critically and engage in meaningful discussions.
    Your tips are practical and applicable in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional settings.
    Thanks for sharing your wisdom and reminding us of the power of reason!
    Cheers Matt H


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