Blind Faith Definition

The blind faith definition encompasses much more than appears on the surface. There are underlying tones and blind spots that are at its core.

By becoming clear on what the blind faith definition is we are much more empowered to break free from the limiting beliefs that run our lives. With a little patience and inner contemplation we can discover much that will set us free to be Who we really Are.

Blind Faith Definition— A More In-Depth View

“Blind faith in your leaders, or in anything, will get you killed.”

— Bruce Springsteen —

Traditionally blind faith is considered believing or trusting in something without requiring any evidence or proof. We simply accept things without any questioning or due diligence on the matter.

We see this in many areas of life where we believe so-called experts because they have a few letters at the end of their names. This type of blind faith doesn’t always bring positive results.

Since we are creative beings, we have the ability and duty to ourselves to do appropriate research and then trust our intuitive selves to make decisions based on truth rather than blind faith. This goes beyond accepting the form of any issue and discovering its true content.

The form is a mere illusion while the content presents the facts so that we can assess its validity. Since we have been programmed to learn things by rote memory in our educational system and not to think for ourselves, this may require a little practice and persistence in developing new habits of thought and decision.

Discernment to the Rescue

“If I advocate cautious optimism it is not because I do not have faith in the future but because I do not want to encourage blind faith.”

— Aung San Suu Kyi —

We need to learn to trust ourselves more, but we must at the same time be very discerning in which self we trust. There is our ego-based self, and then there is our intuitive self that endows us with information from a much higher level of consciousness.

This is why clear thinking is much more of an undoing process than making surface changes. Much of what we experience is a result of “borrowed knowledge” which may or may not be true.

This requires a balancing act of observing our thoughts and questioning their validity while being very discerning of our ego-based influence. Water is wet and rocks are hard at least at the physical level, but what we assume to be true is not always so.

As children we questioned everything. We drove our parents and other adults crazy by constantly asking “why”.

It’s time to revisit our childhood days by questioning everything; at least things that require a decision that will affect our overall well-being. Let’s not get lazy about this.

Discernment is a great guide to follow as it leads us beyond the form to the content of issues. This is where we will discover the truth.

Blind Faith Definition — Trusting Ourselves

“The improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses to acknowledge authority, as such. For him, skepticism is the highest of duties; blind faith the one unpardonable sin.”

— Thomas Huxley —

As mentioned above learning to trust the part of ourselves which is beyond any illusions or limiting beliefs is critical in discovering the truth. Even though we have been trained to trust outside factors and influences, we can turn this around and discover that we are in charge of our lives and are quite capable of making informed decisions.

Now let’s review a few ideas to launch this “undoing” process which will remove some of the cloud cover. The truth isn’t going anywhere; it is always waiting to be revealed.

A Simple Awakening Process

  • Relax and spend a few minutes watching our thoughts
  • Lose the judgment and just watch the dance
  • Realize that our real selves are not these thoughts and feelings
  • While doing this enjoy being in the present moment
  • Recognize that our power is in the present moment
  • When ready take a few notes on the most prominent thoughts and feelings as these will lead us to our core beliefs about the topic
  • Review the list and discover our world view of how we see ourselves, others, and the world
  • Ask ourselves if we are happy with the results that these beliefs are producing
  • Time to rearrange the furniture and replace the ideas/beliefs that are not serving us well with more life-affirming ideas based on the truth of Who We Really Are
  • Pay attention to our intuitive messages
  • Do this until we have freed ourselves from these limiting ideas

This is an ongoing process that leads to our freedom. When we awaken to the truth our reality changes in positive ways.

Blind Faith Definition

Blind Faith Definition — Time to Awaken

“Blind faith, no matter how passionately expressed, will not suffice. Science for its part will test relentlessly every assumption about the human condition.”

— E. O. Wilson —

There’s no better time than now to begin this process of awakening from our overreliance on outside factors and begin to trust our intuition. It is a journey of discovery and adventure into our inner selves.

We are all blessed to be part of this time in history when so much is happening, both positive and negative. There is so much each of us can contribute based on our unique skills, talents, and experiences.

To maximize our contribution it is paramount to move beyond blind faith and see things clearly. Our vision must kick in to replace our perceptions which are mere projections of our belief system.

The choice is ours to develop our discernment capability so that we assess things truly. Only then are we assured that we are making choices based on our intuition and due diligence and not our ego-based thought.

Although this is quite a challenge in terms of time, effort, and willingness to look within, it is quite worth it in terms of both personal growth and making a significant contribution to others and the world.

Let’s enjoy the process and move forward with a light heart and mind to make a positive difference in the world.

In Peace & Love within the Light,

Joseph William

P.S. Let’s express our faith in ourselves by sharing our knowledge and experience with an Online Business. CLICK HERE to discover the value of being part of an Entrepreneurial Community based on support and growth.

Blind Faith Definition

4 thoughts on “Blind Faith Definition”

  1. Hi, this is a very fascinating topic. Blind faith is everywhere, in religions, in societies trust in government. We blindly give our tax dollars to our politicians assuming they have our best interest in mind which they may not. And lastly blind faith in finances. People with credit card debt ect.

  2. It’s super interesting to think about how just believing in something, without any solid proof, can drive you forward. But here’s the kicker: while having that kind of faith can push you to do some pretty amazing stuff, what happens when it starts to cloud your judgment?

    Think about it. In the wild world of building something from scratch, being able to switch gears and adapt is pretty much your bread and butter. So, if you’re all in on blind faith, are you risking missing out on those crucial moments when you need to hit the brakes or take a sharp left?

    It’s all about finding that sweet spot, right? Having enough faith in your crazy ideas to keep the fire burning, but not so much that you end up running off a cliff. How do you keep that balance without ending up in la-la land or, worse, crashing and burning?

    Would love to get your take on this. How do you keep your faith in check and make sure you’re not turning a blind eye to the stuff that really matters?

    • Thanks, Kevon for your thoughts. It’s always a delicate balance, but by staying aware and alert in the present moment we are able to identify when constructive change is needed by the results we seen and not by mere assumption. One step at a time and making adjustments along the way. All the Best. Joseph


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