Intuitive Insights — Going With The Flow

Intuitive InsightsIntuitive insights are what lead us to find innovative and creative ways to get stuff done. They take us beyond the so-called accepted and normal ways to do things.

When we are open to receiving these intuitive expressions of our inner thought, we free ourselves up from many of the restrictions that we can easily place upon our potential. Since we only use five to ten percent or less of our potential, there is much that we can gain by releasing more of our innate abilities.


“The highest levels of performance come to people who are centered, intuitive, creative, and reflective – people who know to see a problem as an opportunity.”

— Deepak Chopra — 




Using Our Intuitive Insights in Creative Ways

We often receive ideas that suddenly appear within our minds when we least expect them. Because we may not be used to receiving them, or they do not coincide with the way we usually think and do things, we have the tendency to ignore them regarding them as unrealistic.

This is a very natural response and to be expected. But there are creative ways to deal with this so that we learn to take them more seriously so we can experience their beneficial effects. Once we have received enough good results we will develop the tendency to pay attention to them on a regular basis.

When we receive an idea that may be out of the ordinary, instead of immediately dismissing it, it would serve us well to put it to the test to determine its value. In this way, we can then see if it is a valid option. Many times it may not produce the exact result for which we seek, but lead us to take the next step in the right direction.

This does not mean we do not do any research and logically reason things out as well. We do all we can do, and then let go and wait for our “marching orders” so to speak. This is when our intuition kicks in to lead us in the right way and at the right time.

This also takes a bit of patience to trust ourselves enough to wait for these intuitive insights, and then to act on them with faith. With a little practice, this becomes a vital part of our everyday activities.

How to Generate Intuitive Insights

Let’s now discuss a few ways that we can get this process started, and become aware of these intuitive gems. It is more about relaxing into this rather than trying to force things to happen. Any attempt to manipulate things will only keep these ideas and thoughts hidden.

We are receiving intuitive insights on a regular basis but we are so caught up with our everyday activities that they are easy to ignore. In order to change this up, we need to practice slowing ourselves down and eliminating some of the distractions we all experience.

A good way to do this is to be focused on the present moment. Just asking ourselves on a regular basis, “Am I present now”, will create a shift in our awareness, and the more we do it the more we will remain present. This does take determination and consistent effort since our tendency is to be off thinking about the past and future.

This practice in itself will slow us down enough to begin noticing these intuitive insights that pop up here and there. In addition, we can accelerate our process by spending a few minutes a day in quiet contemplation just observing our thoughts. This will reveal quite a bit.

All this needs to be experienced in order to obtain its benefits. Over time as our awareness continues to increase, we become more effective and efficient in all that we do.

Intuitive Insights as Expressions of the Universe

“The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days.”

 — Lao Tzu — 

When it really comes down to it we are a vital part of this tremendous universe in which we find ourselves. That being said we also are responsible for learning to be guided by the wisdom of this universe.

When we get to the point of actually knowing that we don’t know everything we may think we know, we have cleared the surface upon which these intuitive insights can appear. It is just a matter of getting out of our own way.

In order to do this a certain amount of humility is needed. Accolades, accomplishments and material success can get in our way only when we give them greater importance than the richness that exists at this very moment within ourselves.

As our awareness increases, it becomes evident to us that there really is nowhere to go and nothing to get. We have it all now right this very moment. The only thing that can disrupt this is our thoughts of lack. We then act as if we need something.

We are guided sufficiently by the universe with the intuitive insights we receive on a regular basis. It is up to us to pay attention to them. When we do, what I just mentioned about having it all now becomes apparent.

Fear and doubt do not exist in the present moment where all our power resides. It requires worrying about the past or the future for the fear to kick in.

So let’s do ourselves a favor and start paying attention to these messages from the universe by looking within rather than without. With a little effort and practice, this becomes an enjoyable adventure that never gets boring. At this point, we are totally engaged in life and embracing the uncertainty with joy.


Gaining Intuitive Insights through Poetry

As I previously mentioned one of the challenges of gaining access to our intuition is our very own lack of faith and belief that it is possible, as well as all of the roadblocks that we have constructed over time with false perceptions and beliefs. This stuff really does get in the way of our accessibility.

One way that I have found that overcomes this is with the use of intuitive poetry. We are able to access these intuitive insights without all of the interference. Let’s go ahead a pose a question and see what we can come up with.

“How can I best access my intuition?”

Accessing Intuition

Accessing our intuition

Is not a chore

In fact, it is a rather unique way

To open the door


The door to our wisdom

Hidden within

Can be the entryway

For us to begin


Slow ourselves down

Avoid the frantic rush

Being true to ourselves

Will put us in touch


Once we connect 

With this Universal Source

Our days will be heightened

As a matter of course


Do not delay

In pursuing this gift

The treasure’s no longer hidden

What an intuitive lift!


Joseph William Stasaitis 4/20/2022

In order to gain the intuitive insights that are available to us all, it is essential to slow down and smell the roses so to speak. We are then able to relax and “allow” these insights to flow uninterrupted by our past conditioning and present distractions.

May the spark of insight be revealed and cherished.

Living in the Light,

Joseph William

P.S. Express your intuitive insights through an online business. Click Here and enjoy the process.

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4 thoughts on “Intuitive Insights — Going With The Flow”

  1. This is an insightful and expository article. Everyone is wired with a lot of intuitive inspirations but indeed lack of focus is what is distracting most of us. The world is a very busy place and these things cannot happen until we consciously let them. In the place of mental quietness, creative ideas are birthed.

    This is worth sharing.

  2. Intuition can help you find yourself in the right place at the right time or avoid awkward encounters and places without even being aware of it. In order to have the guidance of intuition, it is necessary to acknowledge its existence without prejudice. Something you don’t believe in can’t lead you through life.


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