How To Expand Your Mind

Learning how to expand your mind is the greatest gift that you can give yourself. It allows us to discover who we really are in so many ways.

How To Expand Your Mind

This is quite a journey to undertake and is not for the weak of heart. The many benefits do come at a price but it is all so worth it. Let’s explore a bit and see what we discover.

How To Expand Your Mind by Letting Go

“To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.”

— Lao Tzu —

Letting go is a critical part of our growth and development because whether we realize it or not we all carry around a lot of excess baggage that just weighs us down instead of lifting us up. When we become aware of this we are motivated to let stuff go.

All preconceived beliefs and ideas are part of what we need to examine and if they do not serve our best interests, let go. We then make room for more life-enhancing ideas, perspectives, and experiences.

Other Things to Let Go of:

  • Judgment — this is a heavy load to carry because whether we judge others or ourselves it is all stemming from within ourselves and says more about us than any person or thing we judge.
  • Fear of Change: things will never improve until we decide to allow ourselves to become vulnerable and welcome change. We then have the space for new opportunities and experiences.
  • Expectations: when we try to control people and situations by having expectations we set ourselves up for disappointment because we are then upset when those expectations are not met.
  • Control: first of all it is not possible to control everything because we are not aware of everything. Allowing things to flow naturally sets us up for a much more peaceful journey.
  • Fear in General: any type of fear inhibits our performance and clouds our mind with illusions rather than having the clarity to see things as they are. We then are willing to take risks and embrace the unknown.
  • Limiting Beliefs: any ideas that don’t serve us hold us back. Becoming aware of these beliefs and replacing them with the truth of ourselves makes a tremendous difference in the quality of our lives.

How To Expand Your Mind with Increased Awareness

“The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival.”

— Aristotle —

What we are unaware of runs our lives. Our subconscious is a powerful part of our being and possesses the data that runs our lives.

This is why our life runs on autopilot to a large extent in terms of our thinking, emotions, actions, behaviors, and experiences. We can feel trapped at times within a vicious circle of unending repetitions similar to the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray.

It is no surprise we feel trapped when we are not even aware of what is causing all of this disruption. It is only when we become aware of these subconscious tendencies that we can then make conscious choices and experience Who we really Are.

Ways to Break Free

  • Increase time in the Present Moment: this is part of being mindful of our internal presence which is beyond our egoic self that plays out our subconscious patterns. Merely by asking ourselves, “Am I present now?” will increase our time spent in the now and enable us to become more aware.
  • Experience New Things: meeting new people and checking out new places increases our understanding in so many ways.
  • Never Stop Learning: this is a lifetime process as we adapt to change and open ourselves to new opportunities that align with our interests and purpose.
  • Meditation: quieting our mind and going within brings tremendous benefits as we release from our conditioned mind and connect with our intuitive selves.
  • Compassion and Empathy: when we see things from other perspectives we are more open to be compassionate with others realizing we all have our own view of things based on our individual programming and beliefs.
  • Commit to Authenticity: when we decide to live authentically there is no turning back. We are on the road to Self-discovery and will not be deterred by any mistakes we make along the way. The journey is actually over; we are simply resisting becoming fully aware of Who We Really Are.

How To Expand Your Mind and Allow Your Creativity to Flow

“Sometimes you’ve got to let everything go – purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything… whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you’ll find that when you’re free, your true creativity, your true self comes out.”

— Tina Turner —

How To Expand Your Mind

As mentioned previously when we are willing to let go of the garbage located in our subconscious and egoic minds, we have regained our innate freedom. The time and energy invested is worth more than all the treasures in the world.

The challenge is that we have distracted ourselves to such an extent that our sight is way out of focus and we do not see what is running our lives. We just accept it as the way things are not realizing that they are only that way because of our beliefs and focus.

This is an un-doing process of letting stuff go for our creativity to flow. Once we break open the dam, the flood of inspiration and creativity will rise.

This is not hard or complex but does require consistency. Making this “letting go” a daily practice will return many magnificent results.

Focus is everything. When we choose to look at things a certain they remain in place regardless if they are true or not.

For example, if we have been traumatized in any way it does not serve us well to keep thinking about it. The past does not exist in the present moment, and by changing our focus to the present the past disappears no matter what happened at that time.

This is where determination, perseverance, and consistency come in. Our tendency as an ingrained habit is to resist change and to stay stuck because we feel justified in our suffering and are unwilling to forgive and break free.

It is us who are holding the hot tongs filled with bitterness and hate, and it is us who are burning up feeling the pain. The choice is simple but challenging to make.

With consistency, our innate courage will take over and we will let go. The cloud cover will dissipate and our inner brilliance will shine through.

Now our creativity is no longer blocked as it is allowed to flow full of inspiring thoughts and opportunities. What a relief.

Regaining our natural capacity to create with our authentic Self is a life-changing experience filled with awe and wonder. Let’s be grateful for our innate capability to awaken ourselves to the Truth.

In Peace & Love,

Joseph William

P.S. Let’s use our newly Expanded Capabilities to Create a Business based on our Innate Interests and Desires. CLICK HERE for All the Information.

How To Expand Your Mind

10 thoughts on “How To Expand Your Mind”

  1. Hi, it is a very interesting world and a very interesting universe and  it is a lot of fun to learn new things. There’s so many fascinating topics and it can add a lot of value to your life. I would argue it is one of the best things about life. As well. Being smarter makes life easier sometimes. 

  2. First off, I really resonate with the idea of letting go. It’s like decluttering your mind, getting rid of all those old thoughts and beliefs that aren’t serving you anymore. You know, stuff like judgment, fear, and those pesky expectations we place on ourselves and others. It’s freeing to think that we can create space for new, more positive ideas and experiences just by releasing that mental baggage
    Butting letting go, becoming more aware, and unleashing creativity—it takes work I think. It’s a daily practice, a commitment to ourselves. And yeah, there are gonna be bumps in the road. But man, the payoff? It’s worth it.

    So, here’s a question for you: What’s one thing you feel like you need to let go of to expand your mind and embrace more creativity in your life?

  3. Joseph, your insights on expanding the mind are truly enlightening! It’s like you’ve provided us with a roadmap to unlocking our full potential and embracing our true selves.

    Letting go of the baggage that weighs us down is such a crucial step in this journey. Whether it’s shedding preconceived beliefs, releasing fear, or relinquishing control, each act of liberation opens up space for new perspectives and experiences to enrich our lives.

    I particularly resonate with your emphasis on increased awareness. It’s amazing how much of our lives can pass by unnoticed when we’re not fully present. By cultivating mindfulness, seeking new experiences, and committing to lifelong learning, we empower ourselves to break free from the autopilot mode and embrace our authentic selves.

    And when we finally clear away the clutter of the mind, our creativity can flow freely like a river unleashed. Your analogy of breaking open the dam perfectly captures the transformative power of letting go and allowing inspiration to surge forth.

    Thank you for sharing such profound wisdom, Joseph. Your words inspire us to embark on this journey of self-discovery and creativity with courage and determination. Here’s to embracing our expanded capabilities and creating a life aligned with our true desires and passions!

  4. Hi Joseph,

    This is such an interesting article to me as I talk about limited mindsets and limitless mindsets a lot.

    You are obviously talking about something similar to me when I talk about a limitless mindset, and I believe an expanded mindset is what a highly effective leader is an expert in.

    How a highly effective leader thinks with their limitless and expanded mindset is how they put others before themselves, but in the meantime still working on themselves to be their most valuable and best selves for their people.

    Thank you for sharing such an informative and interesting article again, and keep up the amazing work you do.

    All the best,


  5. Your post here gives some very deep thoughts. Most of us, including me, don’t often slow down to experience the moment we are living.
    Thornton Wilder wrote a play called “Our Town.” At the end of the play, Emily has died and has asked to be able to go back and experience a day of her life She sees everyone rushing around and becomes frustrated. She exclaims, “O earth, you are too wonderful for anyone to realize you!”
    I think we can realize our surroundings, but as you said, we need to make a conscious effort to live in the moment.

    – Scott


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