How To Be In The Present Moment — Accept The Gift

It is extremely important for us to learn how to be in the present moment.  With all the many distractions in our lives, it is extremely difficult to stay focused on what we are doing. This not only depletes our energy, but it keeps us from performing at our best. How To Be In The Present Moment

We live so fully in the past and the future, that the present is merely a long-forgotten memory. We have brief glimpses of our childhood when we lived entirely in the now, but as we grow up, we gradually lose this natural attribute.


How To Be In The Present Moment — It’s Now or Never

Has there been any other time than now? Every moment, even the past and future, is simply the now. When we stop and slow ourselves down for just a “moment”, we can become present, and then realize that all our power exists right at this moment.

“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the Now the primary focus of your life.”

Eckhart Tolle

This is both good and bad news. When we truly realize that our reservoir of power is now, then we know we have no more excuses, which is not so good for our ego. But when we operate from the present moment, we make conscious choices that empower our lives.

Since there is no other time than now, it really is now or never.


Living in the Present Moment

By observing our thoughts and emotions we force ourselves into the present. There is a part of us that is beyond what we think and feel. This part always resides in the present and does not get caught up in our fleeting thoughts and emotions. This is the smarter part of ourselves.

Presence and observation go hand in hand. When we are present, we do not resist what is going on right now, thus we are able to deal effectively with what is in front of us to accomplish.

When we learn to stay more and more in the now, instead of rehearsing the same thoughts and feelings each day, we not only are more effective in our daily life, but we experience a sense of fulfillment and happiness, which is not tied to any outside factors such as money and fame.

Just by asking ourselves “Am I present?” on a consistent basis, this wakes us from our unconsciousness and brings us right into Now.


“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.”

John Lennon


How To Be In The Present Moment — Reaping The Benefits

Once we learn how to be in the present moment, a whole new world opens to us. We are once again Free. All the baggage from the past and the imagined future simply drops away.

We are no longer the out-of-control being, who has to have it all now, but never realize that there is nowhere to go, and nothing to get.  As John Candy said to the athlete in the movie Cool Runnings, “A gold medal is a wonderful thing, but if you’re not enough without one, you’ll never be enough with one.”

When living predominantly in the now, we see even the most commonplace things differently. As a result of this, the things which we look at have miraculously changed. It is always good to remember the present.

At this point, we can truly appreciate accomplishing our dreams and goals, because we will actually be there in the Present Moment to do so.


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Enjoy the moment,



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4 thoughts on “How To Be In The Present Moment — Accept The Gift”

  1. You are so right with what you have said, so may people live in the past or in the future losing sight of the present, and because of this they are doing themselves an injustice by not working towards the future. It is good to dream big but let’s live in the present and work for the future so that our future can be beautiful and promising.

  2. The past acts like quicksand. The longer one stays in it, the more they sink. Eventually, if they don’t learn to pull themselves out of that past, their refusal to get over it will literally destroy them. This is where we see the root of the most serious social problems that exist today, not to mention mental and physical ones as well!

    People who make the most out of today couldn’t care less about the past. What’s done is done and it cannot be undone! Today, however, is a different story! What we do today matters most. Today is called the present and I will treat it as such – a present. I prefer to treat that present with clarity, which means keeping the past out of it! This way, I can even see into the window of tomorrow with possibilities only I know I can make happen by whatever I choose to do today.


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