Do We Know Ourselves? — Maybe Yes, Maybe No

Do we know ourselves? That may sound like a relatively simple question, but on second glance it has tremendous meaning and the actual secret to fulfillment and happiness.

“There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one’s self.”

— Benjamin Franklin —

That may sound quite outrageous to some, but let’s look into this a bit. We take so much for granted and consequently discard what actually means the most to our freedom and joy.

Do We Know Ourselves

Do We Know Ourselves — Let’s Find Out

“There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.”

— Aldous Huxley —

Within the deepest part of our hearts, we understand who we really are, but our exterior selves don’t have a clue regardless of our many perceived notions. That being the case, let’s delve a bit deeper and see what we discover.

The only way to discover our true power is by discovering and understanding our true Source. It’s time to forgive ourselves for our forgetfulness.

Once we remember we will transform ourselves to such a degree that acts of kindness and compassion will be a daily ritual. This is a time to recognize the shining of the Light within us all.

In order to practically separate our egoic being from Who we truly Are, it is necessary to do a bit of self-exploration. This can only be done during times of quiet when we are not distracted by our everyday affairs.

Of course, our minds will still be going full force with all these numerous thoughts, but that is to be expected. It doesn’t matter whether they are positive or negative; it is only necessary that we observe them as we relax into a state of peace and tranquility.

The more we observe the noise within our minds without attachment to any of them, they will just flow by like a fast-moving stream filled with salmon and trout. Let’s just watch the parade and eventually we will gain a state of quiet and peace.

It is precisely in this state that we discover our true power as clues emerge to the knowingness of our Being. This is when the discovery begins.

What is Required to Begin this Process

  • An open heart and open mind is essential
  • Brutal honesty with ourselves
  • Willingness to forgive ourselves and others for our misperceptions
  • The decision to look within ourselves consistently
  • Finding time each day to explore within ourselves
  • Taking notes of what we discover
  • Recognizing that this is a process that takes as long as it takes
  • Using what we discover to assist others on their journey

These are just a few things to get us started. As the journey unfolds much more will be learned and applied. Each step in this process opens up new vistas.

Do We Know Ourselves — Beginning to Remember

“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.”

— Golda Meir —

When we were young there was no doubt in our minds about the magic of the present moment. The simplest object was fascinating, and each event was an adventure.

This type of presence can be re-gained right this moment. It is where all our worthwhile treasures lie.

Within our hearts, we find our answers. All the love of existence is based there, and that is our fuel to remember Who we truly Are.

When caught up in our daily activities and listening to the chatter in our heads, we miss so much. This is evidenced when we are speaking to someone and we are not really listening but either interrupting or planning what we are going to say.

When we truly listen and are present it is not necessary to give thought to what to say, as it is intuitively presented at just the right time and precise way. This is called trusting our authentic selves.

When living in this manner it becomes blatantly apparent that there are no ordinary moments. Each moment is precious and possesses a gift.

We are led effortlessly to the next moment by embracing the uncertainty. There is no worry or doubt as all experiences are welcome.

Now we begin to remember Who we really Are as each moment becomes as significant as it was when we were young. We suddenly realize that there are no ordinary moments.

Now Let’s Get Practical

Here are a few tips to help us remember:

  • awaken early in the morning and spend a few moments in quiet contemplation
  • listen to the sounds of nature
  • appreciate all that we have and all that is on its way to us
  • realize that we have everything we need as we need it
  • acknowledge ourselves for all of our failures and successes and realize that we are here this very moment because of all of them
  • realize we are much more powerful than for which we give ourselves credit
  • understand that we are not our thoughts and feelings
  • make our Next Step the step that we most desire to do
  • live by the motto, “If it isn’t fun don’t do it”
  • realize there is nowhere to go and nothing to get as we have it all now

Do We Know Ourselves — Time for Some Honesty

“The ego is only an illusion, but a very influential one. Letting the ego-illusion become your identity can prevent you from knowing your true self. Ego, the false idea of believing that you are what you have or what you do, is a backwards way of assessing and living life.”

— Wayne Dyer —

Do We Know Ourselves

The truth is we don’t really know ourselves. Not the Self within ourselves that really counts. If we are honest we acknowledge that we don’t even know our fake conditioned self very well either.

Well, it’s time to change all of this. We are quite capable right this very moment to live with the passion and inspiration of our Intuitive Self.

This is the Self that we want to get to know very well. The funny part of it is that it is much easier to do than maintain our egoic self based on false conditioning. That takes a lot of effort and stress to keep in place.

It is very tiring and stressful to maintain a false facade where we not only lie to others but more importantly to ourselves. It’s the choice between being real or fake; awake or asleep.

An expanded existence is only a decision away. We can right this moment, leap out of our comfort zones into the uncertainty filled with opportunity and adventure.

No need to hang on to all those support systems anymore as they really don’t support us very well anyway. It’s time to take the plunge and not only discover Who we really Are, but to live as our Authentic Selves in the Eternal Instant filled with magic and miracles.

All it takes is a bit of self-honesty and the willingness to take the plunge into the eternal unknown where we will discover all we really need to know.

Many Blessings on your Journey within,

Joseph William

P.S. When we get to Know Ourselves a bit we might want to Share some of our Unique Wisdom with others. CLICK HERE to Discover a Fabulous Online Journey!

Do We Know Ourselves

4 thoughts on “Do We Know Ourselves? — Maybe Yes, Maybe No”

  1. Hi, this is a super interesting topic that a lot of people are talking about these days which is being in the present moment. That is when you are your most authentic self. Which is easier said then done. As well accepting yourself and your faults is important. Which can really help out. 

  2. Hi Joseph,

    This is an article that truly resonates with me.

    I have just written an article myself on how we react and respond to situations that happen in our lives, and I find that when we know how we react/respond, and we work on ourselves to improve that reaction/response, then we can learn so much more about ourselves.

    Your article goes a lot deeper into knowing ourselves and discovering who we really are, but it doesn’t happen overnight and there are a lot of small steps we need to take on that journey of self discovery.

    Thank you again for sharing another excellent personal growth article.

    All the best,



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