Semi Retirement Lifestyle

What is our ideal semi retirement lifestyle? This is something we can define at any stage of life. Age is not an issue here. The earlier we get clear on what it is we most desire, the sooner we will create that lifestyle.Semi Retirement Lifestyle

Each of us has our own unique version of what we most desire, and about which we are most passionate. Let’s spend a bit of time here reflecting on a few possibilities.

Staying Engaged with a Semi Retirement Lifestyle

In addition to having more time to pursue relaxing activities of interest, our semi retirement lifestyle allows us to stay engaged in life. This is beneficial to ourselves in many ways including mental, physical, and emotional.

Of course in any scenario, we create we will have our challenges, but with a little bit of prior planning and the flexibility to make adjustments along the way, we will do just fine. Pursuing our passions allows us to create our ideal lifestyle.

This leads to a life of balance in all areas of our lives. We are not so intense in one area while neglecting other important areas.

When we are caught up in the traditional work lifestyle whether it is our own business or working for someone else, it entails much time and commitment. Not that this is a bad thing as when we want to achieve something the time and effort is needed to make it happen, but there are alternate ways to get results without sacrificing important parts of our lives like rest, relaxation, recreation, family, and friends.

Semi retirement is staying fully engaged in life while finding that middle ground between full-time work and full retirement. Again, with proper planning and clarity of thought, we can have our cake and eat it too so to speak.

We are able to leave the craziness of overwork by making a few adjustments here and there. Simplifying our lifestyle will allow us to reduce our spending. Low-stress work that we enjoy while setting our own time schedule can be quite enjoyable.

What do Semi Retired People Do? Re-inventing Ourselves 

For those of us who desire to move on to our next adventure and create our ideal semi retirement lifestyle, we can re-invent ourselves in a way that fits our interests as well as our retirement budget. Check out my article on semi retirement options for a few additional alternatives.

Now for a few ideas on re-inventing ourselves.

* Further Education — whether this is taking some online classes or auditing a few classes at a local community college, we can pick up any needed specialized knowledge to either start a new endeavor or enhance our current skills. Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes provide affordable classes for retired folks.

* Preferred Location — many prefer living in the mountains or at the beach during semi retirement and with many options of working remotely this can be an ideal choice. Also, living near or on a golf course may also be attractive.

* Home-based — especially if our home is paid off being semi-retired and staying at home can be ideal. There is no need to move anywhere especially if we enjoy our current community, and we can supplement our income as well.

* Volunteering — this is a great way to get out of the house and socialize a bit as well as making a positive impact in our community. Whether we help out at a museum, national park, library, sporting events, theater group, garden, hospital, nursing home, or act as a tutor or coach for others, there are many meaningful ways to make a positive impact while staying fully engaged in what we enjoy.

* Entrepreneur — this is a way to earn some money, learn some new skills, utilize our experience and abilities, and enjoy creating in new ways. My preferred way as The Un-Retired Entrepreneur, “when you love what you do why retire” is Creating an Online Business. Although this is not for everyone, it is a way to express your skills and abilities in unique and creative ways.

* Gardening — here’s a way to grow produce and flowers not only to beautify our home, get some exercise, and have some wonderful things to eat, but we can also market our extra produce at farmer’s markets. I have a friend who moved to Central America, built a home, and created an organic farm on his property that is now quite successful. Semi Retirement Lifestyle


Choosing a Semi Retirement Lifestyle 

As I have previously mentioned, a semi retirement lifestyle will be different for each of us. It will be dependent on our interests and experience, and what we most desire to do. Just having this type of clarity puts us way ahead of the game.

With this type of clarity, we empower ourselves in the present moment to make good choices that make sense to us and take us in our desired direction. This is all about enjoying the journey, and the challenges it provides.

Being fully engaged in life is all about living life on our terms, and not settling for less. We enjoy all challenges and are continually looking to expand ourselves in all areas of our lives.

We have moved beyond the mindset of saving for some future retirement scenario and living life fully right this moment regardless of age. The traditional retirement fantasy does not make sense to us as we realize that “happily ever after is Now!

It’s all about making decisions that make sense to us. We review our budget and spending, what’s most important to us, make a few initial decisions, and fill in the gaps along the way. The one thing to keep in mind is that we always have options even if we don’t know what they are right at this moment. There are many semi-retirement ideas for us to consider.

So let’s stay proactive in our thinking and doing, and not settle for what we only think is possible. An ideal lifestyle requires an ideal mindset where we are continually open to what is possible. When we ask expansive questions, we get expansive answers. They may not arrive right away, but they will arrive.

I look forward that this brief article may have expanded your thinking a bit about what it takes to create the type of lifestyle that makes sense given our unique desires. It really is a matter of choice.

Stay happy and engaged in life.

All the Best,

Joseph William

P.S. For some an ideal semi retirement lifestyle can be created in the online marketing world. Check out My #1 Recommendation here.Semi Retirement Lifestyle Click the Image above for High-Quality online marketing training.



10 thoughts on “Semi Retirement Lifestyle”

  1. Hello Joseph William, Thank you for giving me this wonderful article semi-retirement article and I have no idea how I am going to do in the future and I like to spend my retirement life in the mountains. Your article gives me some idea about the future and gives me the way how I want to design my lifestyle. I hope this article finds many people useful.

    • Thank you, Raja. I appreciate your thoughts on my semi-retirement lifestyle article. With enough planning, commitment, self-discipline, and determination we can design and implement an ideal lifestyle at any age. All the best.

  2. Thanks for sharing this really brilliant article with us all here. I have to say that i found it to be very well written, Informative and a very interesting read indeed. In some ways, since working from home full time, i feel lke i am in early retirement and as much as i love to blog for hours every day, I also like to get out for some exercise whether it be walkinmg or cycling.

    • Thank you Kwidzin for your comments. The nice thing about semi-retirement is that we have plenty of time to balance out our days between work and other activities. All the Best.

  3. Hi Joseph
    I find this article to be quite engaging and enlightening.
    True, we need to balance everything we do in life.
    And thank you for the semi-retirement ideas; I have bookmarked them for future reference.

    • Thank you, Muslimah for your comments. Balance in life is extremely important for not only our happiness and enjoyment but it contributes greatly to our overall health and wellness. All the Best.

  4. Hello Joseph. When getting ready to semi retire I think it’s a good idea to ask your self what do I want? This way you can plan what you really want to do. Great post with guidance.


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