Asking why intuitive poetry is valuable brings up some very important issues. Intuitive poetry is a rather unique way to source solutions to problems from within ourselves.
It is a way to get our conscious, reasoning mind out of the way and allow our more Genius Self to kick and inspire us.
We are able to let go of our limited ideas and resistance to our greatness.
“The only real valuable thing is intuition.”
Why Intuitive Poetry Solves Problems
Intuitive poetry is a tool that can be used to discover solutions to any problem or challenge.
The reason for this is very simple. It is a way to bypass our conscious minds and source information from our subconscious. It enables us to gain insights without trying to figure things out based on our limited knowledge and resources.
That doesn’t mean that we don’t do our research and gather as much data as we can. But there does come a point where we complete our due diligence and allow the smarter part of ourselves to take charge.
With intuitive poetry, we can write what emerges naturally from asking a question concerning our issue. The poem may not rhyme or even make sense on the surface, but within those words, there is a message that either solves the problem directly or leads us to our next step to uncovering the solution.
By accessing our deeper self with its abundance of knowledge and insights we are able to develop the confidence and strength to actually welcome the problems because we know that they will lead us to our destination as part of a natural process.
A Simple Process
Most importantly this simplifies the process of not only solving problems but also creating a way of life that eliminates much complexity from our lives.
Complexity not only reduces our effectiveness and performance, but it creates undo stress in our lives as well.
When we keep things simple we are able to observe things that we would not normally pay attention to when multitasking or overthinking the process.
Intuitive poetry allows us to look within rather than without for the answers and then extend our knowledge forward to our intended outcome.
Why Intuitive Poetry Heals
The healing component of intuitive poetry consists of revealing the truth to our conscious minds in a natural and effortless way. It is a way to bypass our resistance and mental blocks.
When we are overwhelmed, distracted, or extremely stressed all areas of our health (mental, physical, and emotional) are affected.
Trying to figure out consciously why we feel like we do, or why we have this specific problem or challenge, often leads us in circles.
We need to delve deeper within ourselves, beyond our limiting ideas and beliefs about ourselves and the world in general.
This vital information is there within ourselves but our focus is elsewhere. We cannot force this knowledge to the surface, but we can allow it to surface.
Intuitive poetry shifts our focus within ourselves where our true insights exist.
With this new information, we are able to consciously understand what our next step to take would be.
Additionally, we are able to let go and relax more as we become solution-focused, rather than problem-obsessed. This in itself will allow us to function more effectively and efficiently in all of our daily tasks.
A Practical Example of Intuitive Poetry
Let’s ask a specific question concerning a problem or challenge and see how we can generate an inspired reply.
Let’s say we have an emotional upset due to a family or some other personal issue. This is causing us severe heartache and pain as well as inhibiting our ability to be effective with our daily tasks at home and at work.
The first step is to ask a question that goes to the very heart of the matter. It does not matter whether we believe at this moment that the issue can be resolved o not.
At this point, we just need the faith to ask the question.
For example, “How can I best relieve myself of overwhelm and stress and be more productive?”
The Magic of Letting Go
— We hold on for dear life
Too much of which we are not even aware
So much resistance
Topped off with Fear
— No wonder we’re uneasy
Unable to cope
The insanity of this
Does seem beyond hope
— Complaining about how we feel
Not able to relax
Is it any wonder
We are stressed to the max
— There is a certain magic
When spending time alone
Reflecting on our life
We’ve entered a different zone
— Now we let go
Shedding the nonsense
We do deserve better
Than feeling this tense
— Living in the Now is our Gift
There’s no need to delay
The Present Moment
Has something important to say
— Let’s redirect our Power
So we can advance
The music is playing
It’s time to dance.
Joseph William Stasaitis
Now let’s dig in a bit and see what we discover from this intuitive poetic discourse.
Brief Summary of the Intuitive Poem
One thing is for sure we all take life much too seriously at times. Of course, we all have many reasons for this; some of which are more serious than others.
The key point here is that no matter what the issue is, our resistance and refusal to let go is what keeps us stuck. We have closed all avenues for a solution to break through whether it is the answer to a simple problem or a more life-threatening event.
When we let go we “allow” our intuitive insights to emerge. They tend to show up when we are most relaxed and at the most unexpected time.
That is why it is wise to always have a pen/pencil and paper available to take some notes because many of these ideas are very fleeting. They leave as quickly as they appear.
So, we can increase our productivity while eliminating much of the overwhelm and stress in our lives by taking time during the day to relax a bit, and get away from all of the noise and distractions. This will allow for inner peace.
With inner peace, we develop a greater understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Our true power resides within the present moment, and we can only access this power when we are there.
Intuitive Poetry — An Added Bonus
In addition to being able to source valuable insights from the genius part of ourselves, we also trust ourselves more as we begin to see positive results in our lives. It’s not what we get from life but Who we Become that matters most.
Having access to our intuitive faculties to a great extent compounds our effectiveness and efficiency in all areas of our lives.
We no longer remain stuck and confused as to what we should do next. We simply clarify our intention and wait for our “Marching Orders”.
The Truth is Outrageous
When we discover the truth about ourselves a whole new world is revealed. No longer do we hold on to fears and anxieties as to what may happen next to crash our party. We move forward with confidence.
We are willing to face life on life’s terms without all the excuses that we hide behind.
The freedom we experience cannot be purchased at any price.
We are able to access our power that has always been there but is obstructed by our very own interference. It has eluded us. False beliefs and perceptions have blocked our view and access to our power.
It does not have to continue this way. We are only a decision away from accessing this power. One little step of courage will get us there. It is only our fear that inhibits us. It is time to awaken from the dream.
Seeing things as they are is very liberating. It breaks down all barriers to the truth/. We must merely alter our focus and open our eyes.
Why Intuitive Poetry Releases Our Power
Intuitive poetry is the tool that enables us to take the blinders off and see things as they really are. This leads to peace of mind and freedom in all areas of our lives.
Intuitive poetry allows us to go behind the scenes so to speak, and view our lives from a different perspective that is not controlled by our limiting beliefs and perceptions.
It gives us kernels of knowledge that were always there but not noticed because we were looking the other way.
When we have all the cards on the table so we know what really is going on, we are able to make sound decisions on what is best for ourselves and others. We have stopped kidding ourselves and now display the courage to live life fully engaged based on reality and not an illusion.
It all came down to a simple choice between love and fear, and we chose Love.
May we all access our intuition on a consistent basis and live life fully enlightened.
All the very best,
Joseph William
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I love the concept of this, it is so simple. I like the idea of just writing down your feelings and releasing them. As human beings we like to complicate things that may just need to be simple. Just write down what you feel and let it go. When we live in a world full of things designed to bring fear to our lives, it is nice to have a way to cope with that. Part of it is realizing that we have no control and to just let what happens happen.
Thanks, Reggie for your wonderful insights on this topic. Releasing our feelings frees us of much self-inflicted pain and sorrow. I appreciate your thoughts. All the Best.