DigiProduct Marketer Mega Collection Review

DigiProduct Marketer Mega Collection Review

Name: DigiProduct Marketer Mega Collection DigiProduct Marketer Mega Collection Review - royalty-free images

Website: DigiProductsImages.com


>>>Click here for more information on this product<<<

Price: $29.97

Owner: DigiProduct Marketer – David Watson

Overall Rank: 85 out of 100

Product Overview

This is a collection of stock images that you can use on your website or blog to create a professional image. There are over eleven thousand (11,000) images from which to select. They are of good quality and can be used for a number of purposes such as on social media, for creating presentations, banner ads, in your videos, used to increase product value, or just adding to your website.

This image software is compatible with other software products such as Easy Sketch Pro, PowerPoint, Explaindio, Yoursign, and Video Maker FX. The images come in high resolution format so you can easily select portions of images dependent on need.

You get access to all of these images for a one-time investment saving tons of money over having to purchase stock photos individually from stock photo sites. All the images are copyright and royalty-free on a non-attribution basis, which means they are free to use for any legal purpose for personal or commercial use. You can copy, modify, and distribute the photos without needing permission or even setting a link to recognize their source.

Since these photos include commercial licensing, you are able to use these images on projects that you do for clients as well. You will receive details on this licensing documentation in PDF format upon purchase.

The Good & the Not So Good

The Good:

  1. Large selection
  2. Good quality with high resolution
  3. Save money from buying images individually with one time fee
  4. Commercial license included
  5. All copyright and royalty-free
  6. Unlimited use on all projects including commercial
  7. The product is fully guaranteed
  8. Good variety of images in several categories

The Not So Good:

  1. Not as good as original photos taken for specific purposes or by professionals

Who is DigiProduct Marketer Mega Collection For?

Any online or internet marketer who uses photos and images in their promotional efforts. They can be used for backgrounds, greeting card designs, book covers, screenshots, video components, PowerPoint, pdfs, brochures, web page sliders, and anything else your imagination can come up with.

Tools & Training

All the images can be immediately downloaded upon purchase. Your confirmation email will include details to download this product.

Here a very short video to give you an idea of the quality and high resolution of these images:


  • Over eleven thousand (11,000) high definition images
  • Use on an unlimited basis for client projects as well as your own projects
  • A commercial license is included
  • Royalty-free and copyright-free
  • Can use the images in any media format and as many times as you desire for pdfs, presentation slides, T-shirts, videos, social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest), PowerPoint, websites, videos, etc.
  • Edit using any image editor for cropping, resizing, and formatting
  • Images supplied in JPG format
  • A Facebook sizing guide is provided to resize images for profile images or headers
  • An Instagram image guide is provided so that you can resize images to meet Instagram requirements
  • A full license agreement is provided on the download page and there is no need to link back since all images are provided on a copyright-free and non-attribution basis


The Help Desk for needed support can be found here:

Click Here


$29.97 which is a One Time Investment

Final Thoughts

Stock photos bought individually that are of high quality can be quite expensive ($40 or more) especially if you purchase a large amount over time. With this product, you get a good selection of professional images for a reasonable price that is a one time purchase.

Images that are done well can create an emotional response in your target audience, and this increases conversions and sales. Emotion wins over logic every time. Once a prospect engages in your sales message, there is a greater likelihood that this will lead to a sale. This collection has been created with the intention of maximum visual appeal.

In addition, these images can be used to add substantial value to your social media posts on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. You can also create appealing backdrops for your Facebook and YouTube videos, or use the images to put together a PowerPoint presentation for seminars, workshops, trainings, or webinars.

These will also work well as cover images for Kindle books to help your book stand out a bit more in that competitive marketplace. You can get a wide variety of photos that you can be used in a wide array of niches. For advertising, you can use these photos for banner ads, or as Facebook newsfeed images to bring folks over to your landing page. Also, the images can be easily edited using any image editor for formatting, cropping, and resizing.

For the price, quality, and volume of images you get for one single investment, this collection is certainly worth checking out, especially since they give you an unconditional money-back guarantee.

To generate more money every month go sign up for free with my #1 Recommendation.

To your success,


Final Conclusion: DigiProduct Marketer Mega Collection Review

DigiProduct Marketer Mega Collection Review -- Online Marketing

6 thoughts on “DigiProduct Marketer Mega Collection Review”

  1. Hi – This was super help full post for me. I consantly need images for marketing purposes and there are so many places but not sure which ones I can use without breaking copyright laws. I really like the fact that its a one time fee as suppose to ongoing. Are the images constantly updated on the woftware? And can we write text on these images?

    • Thanks for your comments. You can edit the images to a degree and since they launched they have increased their database of photos. All the best.

  2. It is good to know that you have a platfom like this that offers 11,000 images for a low one time fee. There is a saying that image is evrything and this is so ture because images is what gets to people and speak to them helping them or convicing them to make a purchase. I have book marked this post because this sounds very interesting to me and I just might consider using this platform. Thanks again for shraing.

  3. Hey Joseph, I was about to go to fiverr to get some images just when you decide to write this article, I’m abut to run some ads on FB and need some images to run these ads, you come in as a blessing to me, I will certainly go about purchasing this product especially it being a one time investment, images are gold and is very much needed for many different things in an online business, thank you much Jo.


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