What Is The Best Autoresponder For Affiliate Marketing?

When it comes to autoresponders and determining what is the best autoresponder for affiliate marketing, we will get a lot of different opinions. People have their favorites that they have used over a period of time.What Is The Best Autoresponder For Affiliate Marketing? - email campaign

In this short article, I am going to discuss a few of the types out there, and some of their pros and cons. Also, I’ll mention a few that I have used and currently use, in order to assist those who are looking to make a decision on what may work best for them.

What Is An Autoresponder?

Well, let’s start with the basics and define what we are talking about here for those who may be new to this, or have not gotten into email marketing to any significant degree. It is basically a tool for email marketing.

It sends out emails to people who have opted-in to your email list on your landing page. This can be a single or double opt-in, where they either are put immediately on your list after providing their email address on your opt-in form (single opt-in), or they also have an additional step where they are emailed and then need to click on a link in that email to confirm they really want to be on your list (double opt-in).

Double opt-ins are usually better prospects as they took the additional step to get whatever information you are offering. Any time you get a prospect to answer your Call to Action (CTA), you are closer to developing a relationship with that person with the intention of meeting that person’s need.

An autoresponder allows you to set up a series of emails that are sent out at times or intervals that are preset. You can also send broadcast emails to your entire or part of your list. You can set up an autoresponder on your own server, but most use an outsourced model where you pay a provider a monthly or yearly fee. Some of these companies offer free service up to a limited amount of subscribers.

Affiliate Friendly Autoresponders

Again, there are many companies out there that provide this kind of service. Each has its pros and cons, but it really comes down to individual preference. I have used quite a few over the years and have not been disappointed in any of them.

But here are a few of the important factors to consider in any service you do use.

  • It should be User Friendly so that you can learn how to use it effectively in a reasonable period of time
  • Make sure the company Supports Affiliate Marketing programs. There are companies that will shut your account down if you are promoting affiliate products.
  • Get a Free Trial Period that lasts long enough to determine if this service meets your needs. Again, these vary per company, but I suggest at least fourteen (14) to thirty (30) days to get a good feel for their system.
  • A variety of plans at a Reasonable Price. These vary per company and most increase their charges as your subscriber list increases and the number of campaigns you are running. It’s important to match your needs to the best plan offered, as you may not need all the bells and whistles that would cost you more.
  • Automation Capability for your marketing campaigns. This allows you to automate workflows and drip out your campaigns as well as some other features.
  • I have saved the most important factor for last. Deliverability of Your Emails is crucial to the success of your marketing campaigns. There are a number of factors that affect this, but this is something to monitor on a consistent basis.

What Is The Best Email Autoresponder For Your Needs?

That’s what it is going to come down to. Do your research once you have determined what it is you need for your specific business, niche, and promotional efforts. Then you can review each company’s pros and cons, and make an informed decision.

Now let us do a very brief review of some of the better choices for people that are engaged in the Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) and affiliate marketing fields. Get Response and Aweber are two of the better choices out there. I have used both and was very satisfied but found the Get Response did better in terms of functionality. Both companies have good support teams you can access by phone or online. Get Response also has a landing page builder built-in.

One of the most powerful and effective choices for YouTubers, Podcasters, and Bloggers is ConvertKit. It was specifically designed for content marketers. They even offer a free plan. It operates as a single database and is not list-based. In other words, you have to use tags in order to segment your groups of contacts based on areas of interest. But it does allow you to share automation, and you can auto-resend broadcast emails to un-opens which is a great feature. It is one of the more expensive services, but many top affiliates use it.

ClickFunnels now integrated an autoresponder into its system. It is called Follow Up Funnels that was originally Actionetics. It’s an email marketing service built right into ClickFunnels. It’s part of the Platinum Plan of ClickFunnels so you will be dishing out two hundred and ninety-seven ($297) bucks per month. The good part is that it has high deliverability and there is no limit on your subscriber list. Plus you have all the other ClickFunnels marketing tools to run your business.

Another service is SendLane that has a number of interesting features. It is definitely affiliate friendly with a bunch of automation features, and you can easily segment your list based on a number of factors. It uses list and tag-based management systems. The drawbacks are that it is more expensive than some of the others, and you cannot do any A/B testing.

There are several more good choices in the marketplace, but this should give you a good idea from which to start your investigation. Take your time with this, as email marketing is an important aspect of any online business and you want to ensure you have the right tool to fit your needs.

To finish up here, let me mention a few you may want to avoid because they are not that affiliate friendly. Unless they have changed their policies, these service providers have been known to close down accounts for affiliate and MLM marketing activities, although as a product and service they are functionally good with email marketing.

Constant Contact, SendInBlue, Benchmark, Mailerlite, ActiveCampaign, and MailChimp have all had a history of not being kind to affiliate marketing. I have and still use MailChimp for a product I developed, but only because it integrates well with a website builder that I used in developing my campaign.

So What Is The Best Autoresponder?What Is The Best Autoresponder For Affiliate Marketing? -- Email Messages

This all gets back to what I previously mentioned in terms of determining your specific needs, doing the research, and then matching things up. Keep in mind that email deliverability is critical, and the other factors will fall in place depending on your needs.

One thing I will mention again is that building a list is important to your online career. So an autoresponder service is a wise business investment as it creates a very valuable asset over time.

There is one other autoresponder service, Traffic Wave, that many do not know about as it is under the radar so to speak, even though they have been in business since 2000 (20 years). Now, it does not have all the functionality or bells and whistles of the ones I have mentioned above, but it is reliable, has great support, is moderately priced at seventeen-fifty ($17.50) per month, and has unlimited subscribers and campaigns. I have personally used it for a few years now, and am extremely satisfied.

I will do a complete review of the service in a future article to give you all the ins and outs of their system. A good way to check out whether their email management system and autoresponder meet your specific needs it to take a FREE 30 Minute List Challenge that allows you to set up your list quickly with a set of emails and then try the system out for 30 days without having to submit any credit card information.

The bottom line is to determine what best fits your individual needs and build your email list to create an asset that will increase in value over time. In any event, I look forward to your success.

Kind regards and All the Best,


P.S. If you desire an online platform where you can both Earn and Learn here is my #1 Recommendation.

What Is The Best Autoresponder For Affiliate Marketing -- Earn & Learn Online

18 thoughts on “What Is The Best Autoresponder For Affiliate Marketing?”

  1. Aweber honestly is the very best one out there. Though I am yet to see it and use it yet but actually I have been getting a lot of recommendations to go for it and seeing that you agllso recommended it here, I think it might be the right time to just consider it and give it 

    • Aweber is quality service and I found it very useful. It is one of many effective autoresponders and each person has their own individual preferences. I would certainly use Aweber again with no hesitation.

  2. It’s very thoughtful of you to share this, sometimes, it can get very stressing to start operating you emails by yourself manually when you have other things to do, having the best autoresponder makes it easy for you to get it done. Aweber is really reliable, I e used it and I know it is good.

  3. Hello Williams! thanks for sharing this with me. I have been using Aweber for close to a year now and one major reason I have preferred it to others is that; Its subscriber management functionality helps you understand customer behavior, while its reporting gives you the insight you need to understand how your campaigns are performing.

    • Thanks for your comments. Aweber is an excellent service and I would not hesitate to use it again. I am glad that its functionality meets your needs. All the Best.

  4. If you are working an online business one thing you definitely need is a good auto responder. i am just starting out and this article has been very valuable to me. I have learned a lot from reading it. i didn’t realize there was so much to choose from out there, from the choices you have written about i would go for Get Responce because it has a landing page builder available.

  5. Thank you for the eye opening post. I know that somewhere in the near future I must have a reliable email auto responder. The market if full of different kinds of auto responders, I am not sure where to begin . It is great that most of them provide an opportunity to test drive their system for free.

    I took note of what a good autoresponder should have and Traffic wave the one you have recommended.

    • Thanks Bogadi for your comments. Once you do your research you will be attracted to one over the others to suit your individual needs. All the Best.

  6. Interesting, you are right Traffic Wave is under the radar! I hadn’t heard of this one. I tried AWeber for a while but I wasn’t promoting anything so money was just going down the drain. Eventually, I had to cancel until I’m ready and have something to sell.
    I like the idea of 30 day free trial, that’s always good so you can see if you are going to like it or not.
    Looking forward to your full review of Traffic Wave, it will be interesting to see more about it.

    • Thanks Les for your comments. I will do a review of Traffic Wave next week. As I mentioned in the article, it does not have al of bells and whistles of many of the others such as Aweber, but it meets my needs well and is moderately priced. All the Best.

  7. Hello, I’m happy to have read this article, because I could decide between Aweber and Sendinblue but with your article my choice will be Aweber. Thank you for sharing,this article has been very valuable for me. I’ts been more than a week that I hade those 2 to work with and didn’t know witch one to take. Now my choice will be get responses with Aweber.
    Thank you

  8. Hey Joseph thanks as always for your informative article that always seems to help in some way or the other, I guess that is the objective and you’re doing very well at it.
    I use a one of a kind autoresponder with something call email commander attach to it for higher deliverability ratings. As you’ve stated it is very important for your mails to be deliver inbox, I guess the autoresponder that delivers that at the highest percentage rate is the best. thank you much for your info Jo.

  9. I go with mailerlite and so far it is working for me, and autoresponder is so important to the success of this type of business and everyone should get one because without the help of these platforms it’s leaving money on the table as someone once said. Thanks so much for sharing.


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