In terms of intuitive insights, an intuitive personal life coach works with people individually on either personal and/or business issues. It is a very dedicated consulting relationship to assist a person in accessing their intuition.
This type of coaching encompasses all aspects of a person’s life. The intention is to guide a person in accessing their intuition on a consistent basis.
What is an Intuitive Personal Life Coach?
This is a person who is able to access their intuition in all areas of their lives so they are able to guide others to do the same.
The key point here is to empower the client to be self-sufficient and not rely on the coach for all the answers. Initially, the coach’s guidance will help generate intuitive insights based on the sharing of information and the answering of questions.
But the goal is for the client to independently access their intuition without any outside guidance. At that point, all guidance is coming from within.
Balancing due diligence and research on a topic with our intuitive faculties creates the ideal environment for achieving our goals and handling our problems and challenges.
Accessing our inner selves takes this type of relationship to a much different level than traditional life coaching. We are more focused on who we become rather than just on the achievement of goals.
Attaining our goals becomes more of a residual effect as a result of making major life changes that actually transform how we perceive ourselves, others, and the world.
An intuitive personal life coach may or may not be certified or hold any type of professional degree. Whether the person has any specific academic qualifications is not the point; it is the person’s innate ability to access their intuition and help others access theirs.
Even though I have a few letters after my name based on more formal education in psychology and esoteric studies, they are meaningless compared to the inner work I have done as a result of much self-inflicted pain and suffering.
What to Expect from an Intuitive Personal Life Coach
When engaging the services of this type of coach we can expect to confront what is holding us back from being all we are capable of being. This can get a bit uncomfortable, but with the proper guidance and support, this is a most worthwhile endeavor.
We get to address the real foundational issues that are holding us back from living a fully actualized life. It is so much more than “getting” stuff we want, but about “being” who we Are.
Dealing with these deeper issues allows us to discover the beliefs that are creating an illusionary world based on our perceptions of how things are.
We learn to heal ourselves so that we can be of true benefit to others and attract to ourselves what we truly want, and not what we think we want based on the values of others that we have picked up along the way.
It is about breaking the pattern of looking for happiness in all the wrong places. Quite often, after we achieve a goal or purchase a toy, we find the novelty and excitement wearing off rather quickly.
That is because it did not satisfy our heart which is based on truth. We can win all the prizes in the world, accumulate tons of money, and still not be satisfied.
When our focus is heart-centered and we have eliminated the baggage of false perception and belief, this becomes quite evident.
We discover that we already have it all.
The Guidance of an Intuitive Personal Life Coach
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”
The key term is “guide” and not dictate. A guide is a teacher as well as a student.
The client and the coach learn together as the truth is revealed. As the client heals the coach learns more as well.
Moving beyond our Emotional Straitjacket
What keeps us stuck is our blindness to the truth because of our limiting beliefs that are comprised of both thoughts and emotions based on our prior experiences. Having been wounded and traumatized we have created a security blanket of fear and insecurity.
An intuitive personal life coach can help sort these thoughts and feelings out by increasing awareness and accepting what is without all of the guilt and blame.
It doesn’t matter if we are blaming ourselves or others as the results are the same in loss of joy, peace, and happiness in the present moment.
When we are overtaken by our emotions we tend to freeze up not knowing what to do. It’s okay to just feel what we feel and not do anything unless we are in a life-threatening situation with survival on the line.
The point is to accept our feelings and allow them to dissipate. When we pretend that things are okay when we are feeling panicked and distressed, we inhibit their release as well as keep hidden the cause or foundation on which they are based.
The more that we allow ourselves to experience our feelings consciously we react less, and then only respond when it is necessary. With increased awareness, we expose fear-based beliefs so that we can let them go.
Areas to Address with an Intuitive Personal Life Coach
There are numerous challenges and problems that can be addressed with the assistance of an intuitive coach. Although a person will have some issues in mind, more challenges may surface during the sessions.
This is a good thing as we are not consciously aware of some of the ideas that are directing our choices and decisions. It’s not that there buried deep within our subconscious but rather we have learned to distract ourselves and keep our focus elsewhere.
A coach can help address these issues when they surface. It is easy to ignore them because we fear what they may reveal.
All symptoms of any kind are fear-based and the type or severity does not matter. Once the cause is discovered and dissolved the problem no longer exists.
Bringing the Issues to the Surface
I have discovered the best way to address current issues and discover hidden ones is by asking a few questions and allowing things to surface naturally.
There are a variety of modalities used by coaches from hypnotherapy to different forms of energy healing.
I prefer to create an atmosphere where our intuitive faculties lead the way. The coach and the client are in a collaborative effort with each fully participating as both student and teacher.
Nothing is forced as our intuition leads the way. It doesn’t matter if the client even believes in their intuitive faculties as they will emerge in the right way and at the right time.
In addition to questioning, I also use intuitive poetry to reveal more insights into the challenge and the solution. Poetry isn’t necessary all the time; only when directed by an intuitive spark.
Let’s take a specific example and see what develops.
First, let’s ask a question related to a challenge we are having with a relationship; either friend or a family member. Things aren’t going well and there is no meaningful communication?
“How can I communicate better with _______ so that our relationship improves and moves forward harmoniously?”
Heart-Based, Authentic, & Keeping It Real
— No matter how hard I try
I feel so stuck
As the quicksand engulfs
I am rigid in the muck
— No remedies seem possible
The words just won’t come
My heart is frozen
As I succumb
— Break free from this madness
The answer is clear
It’s time to embrace
And overcome my Fear
— Giving into weakness
Has become the norm
Seems easy at first
The calm before the storm
— When the thunder arrives
With streaks of lightning as well
Suddenly I realize
I’ve created my very own hell
— Awareness hits home
Like a punch in the face
My “authentic” Self screams out
It’s time to make haste
— Truth or illusion
The choice seems to be
No more make-believe
It’s time to break Free
— Reality kicks in
As my heart opens up
Sharing what I feel
As Love overflows my cup
— No longer afraid
Of my authenticity
I am now willing to communicate
What it’s like to be me.
Joseph William Stasaitis
This spells out the importance of letting go of the baggage of fear and doubt so that we can communicate in an authentic way.
When we are willing to be vulnerable and not tied to the results, we are able to interact in a genuine way and inspire others to do the same.
Each message is different depending on our specific needs or challenge. Listening patiently for our intuitive thoughts and insights to arrive allows us to relax and understand there is no need to force the issue.
An intuitive personal life coach is merely a guide to increase our awareness so that we pay attention to those messages on a consistent basis.
I look forward that we are willing to take that first step toward releasing our Inner Guide and Genius.
Embrace our power and enjoy the moment,
Joseph William
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Thank you for sharing your amazing intuitive personal Life Coach website. This is a very insightful post. You brought out a lot of significant points.
An intuitive personal life coach is tapping into the inner world of a person and is in tune with people under their guidance. You are empathetic and understanding and can help individuals move past their set backs. This is an amazing, unique gift. And at the same time you help find their own intuitive powers.
This an excellent profession that we need so desperately in the world today.
I really enjoyed this post.
Thanks very much, Rachele. I really appreciate your insights and thoughts.
Hey, Joseph I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post. I actually love reading anything somehow related to Philosophy. The power of intuition is often underestimated or even ignored. I appreciate the fact that you are helping people realize the need to employ the services of intuitive personal live coaches to help them discover their very essence and live more meaningful lives. And I like the fact that you stated clearly that the coach’s duty is to “guide”. That is central to what intuitive life coaching is about. Cheers!
Thanks, Harmony. I appreciate your thoughts.
Thanks for sharing your Intuitive Personal Life Coach message. It is very inspiring, uplifting and heal and it a message that should be told, not only in private homes, but should be shared by groups and communities.
For the past two years, people have gone through so much due to the pandemic. Many have no only list loved ones, they have lost hope.
I’m so glad that individuals, working in your capacity, are bringing back hope, life, and intuitive direction and guidance.
This is an amazing website.
Thanks, Rachele. Your thoughts and comments are much appreciated. We are all here to serve with our unique gifts and make this a wonderful world where all live with joy, happiness, and hope.
Hello, Joseph
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful post. The personal life coach message was very interesting to read.
It is very inspiring and eye-opening to read the poem at the end of the article.
Especially loved the words “no longer afraid”.
Thank you for this amazing post.
Thank you, Manisha. Your comments and thoughts are very much appreciated. All the very Best.