How To Create A Vision For Your Life

How to create a vision for your life is something that should be a priority for all of us. It is all too easy to travel through life bumping into stuff accidentally without any plan or intention. We then spend the majority of our time cleaning up messes as a result of our lack of forethought.  How to create a vision for your life

Creating a vision for our life is much simpler than we may originally think. It is just a matter of getting in touch with our natural sense of being which we all possessed when we were very young.




“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” — Marie Curie —

How To Create A Vision For Your Life — An Unexpected Detour

When we were kids we never questioned our ability to do things, and we never had a problem finding ways to have fun. This was conditioned out of us by a lot of factors in our environment and personal experiences.

When we were learning to walk we had a clear vision of our end result, and never questioned our ability to achieve this no matter how many times we stumbled and fell. So what’s changed now?

It is not a matter of how old we presently are, whether it’s 17, 25, 37 or 89+. It is all about our mindset and our willingness to trust ourselves.

The first step in learning how to create a vision for your life is knowing that anything is possible Right This Very Moment. This allows us to exit from the detour, and get back onto the path of enjoyment, adventure, and a fulfilling journey.

The time is now to make the decision to create a new vision that will reinforce our desires and dreams. Within that new vision is the confidence to make it real based on our acceptance of our deservedness and worthiness.


How To Create A Vision For Your Life — A Few Simple Steps

Just like we needed to learn how to take a few simple steps when we were learning to walk, we now need to learn a few ways to generate a vision that inspires and sustains us. Do not allow the simplicity of this to distract you in any way.

We often take for granted the obvious, and thereby ignore the core lessons to be learned and applied. When we do have and live our sustainable vision, we also learn to trust ourselves in our decisions both large and small. This kind of trust allows for making mistakes and understanding that mistakes are just part of the process.

So here we go!

Here are a few simple ways how to create a vision for your life…

1) Accepting our current situation fully. No matter what’s going on we take off the blinders and move forward from wherever we are with all of our gifts and challenges. When we ignore our issues, we also tend to ignore our accomplishments and gifts.

2) Appreciate what we have Right Now. Very often we tend to think things will get better when…. By doing this we ignore all the good stuff we have going on right now.

3) Knowing that anything is possible. If it has happened somewhere in the universe it can happen for us. We get so caught focusing on our limitations and problems that we don’t see the trees for the forest. We miss examples of what we can do and achieve which are staring us in the face. We must not shortchange ourselves.   How To Create A Vision For Your Life

4) Conceiving the End Result. This is not trying to figure out how to do things. This is having a Vision of what you desire your End Result to be, and looking at it long enough to be able to conceive it as possible. It doesn’t matter what you believe or don’t believe right at this moment. This is a Process of Discovery.

5) Brainstorming. This is where you go within yourself and let loose on acknowledging what you truly desire no matter how outrageous it may initially seem. There are No Limits to this process of discovery. Anything that even inspires or interests you at all: Write It Down! Your list may be one (1) item or hundreds; it doesn’t matter. This is what is important to you.

6) Selection. At this point, you pick the items on your list which give you the most Emotional Charge. Again, it doesn’t matter if this is one (1) or many. You will “know” what they are.

7) Create Your Vision. This is the final step in the process. Based on what you selected as your most emotionally charged items on your list, use them to create your Vision.

Once you have clearly defined your Vision, it is then just a matter of “constantly” reminding yourself of it on a day-to-day, moment-to-moment basis. This in itself will create the necessary thought patterns for you to Be the person you need to Be to Do the necessary actions which will create what you desire to Have. But first, you need to Have a Vision!


How To Create A Vision For Your Life — Our Sight and Vision Have Improved   How To Create A Vision For Your Life

When you have learned how to create a vision for your life things get a lot simpler. You now have new eyes with which to see. The fog has lifted as you eliminate some of the cloud covers from your greatness.

When you see with new eyes, you no longer take things for granted. You appreciate the smallest things and experiences.  Our sight and vision have greatly improved.

Our New Vision is much more than a way to improve the stuff in our lives. It is an opening up to Who We Truly Are. We are back in touch with our True Essence. We appreciate the present moment to such an extent that we know that we know that our new vision is true.

Enjoy the Process and Be Grateful for the Journey!

All the Best,

Joseph William



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May you be Blessed with your True Essence,



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12 thoughts on “How To Create A Vision For Your Life”

  1. The bible says where there is no vision the people perish and that is so true. When we have a vision or a plan then our lives begin to take on direction, Every success story became a success because of the vision that person. There is no success without a vision. The points that you have given is great. Thanks so much for sharing.

    • Thank you so much Norman for your kind comments. I look forward that more and more folks create a vision for themselves which truly inspires the greatness which we ALL have within.

  2. This is amazing
    this is a masterpiece, Especially the steps to create our vision.
    I’m having a problem i need your advice. There is business plan i have but it is still very raw in my head and am always afraid on starting it, because my mind always tells me it is not the right time don’t know what to do

    • Thanks Okoye so much for your kind comment. Let me know more specifics of what your challenge is and I will do my best to assist.

  3. I think that the toughest part is accepting the situation fully. I opened a pet store that didn’t work out and now I am in debt. But I have accepted that this has been the outcome and I am not fretting. Yes, it is a lot to pay back but I am taking it one step at a time. If I didn’t, I would be overwhelmed. I would panic and I would not be able to think clearly.

    There is a great lesson within what you have written. If you accept things first and foremost, everything else will fall into place.

    I have really enjoyed reading your post.

    • Thanks Reyhana for your comment. I have had many failures and successes in my life but have learned the most from those failures. Of course, at the time it did not seem that way. If nothing else, when we are in an uncomfortable position we come face to face with our strengths and weaknesses and discover even more about ourselves. We learn that the present moment is all we have and that is enough. Your acceptance and focusing on one step at a time has shown your wisdom in handling this. All the very Best!

  4. Thanks Joseph, I think this is something I’ve been struggling with recently. I think what you say about accepting the current situation is good advice. In the morning I try to take some time to think about what I am most grateful for. Recently, I read that when Native Americans pray they don’t pray for things they want but rather to say thanks for all the good things they have already. I think this is very helpful being able to appreciate your own progress but also I think that it is important too to really think about what you want to achieve. For me, I think this is something I need to have a long think about so thanks for sharing and perhaps next time I stop by here I will have made some progress with this.

    • Thanks Alex for your comments and thoughts. I appreciate you sharing. I look forward that your progress is swift and meaningful. Spending time in gratitude each day for things we have and those on their way to us keeps us centered on the truth that we are taken care of very well right this moment. When we stay present there are never any problems. They all exist from our focus on the past and future. We tend to label things this and that based on our feelings and beliefs and then get stuck in the quagmire of the illusion that that stuff is real. Here is an article I wrote a while back on Poetry Healing that you may find helpful. All the Best.

  5. Hi, I agree when you say “accepting the current situation is good advice.” When I separate from the father of my kids (no worries this was a long time ago) but I start to write down what I had and what I wanted. I since then I started to accept what I had and appreciate what was coming in. But I start to make a vision board at that time and I can say that I getting pretty lucky with what I have and what I want to achieve. It was not easy and It took time to accept and do all this…
    Thank you for sharing I enjoy reading.

  6. Hi Joseph

    Having a vision is everything. Without it, we are literally wandering aimlessly – and I have done that for far too much of my life, mostly due to living in “survival mode” as a single mum raising a daughter with health challenges. If we can just lift our gaze above our circumstances, our lives can change in miraculous ways!

    Thank you for sharing your valuable insight.

    Blessings always


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