The main point of this article is to get it done now, not later. Time is our most precious commodity and each moment holds the potential to fulfill our dreams.
This is no exaggeration, and it really is only a decision away. Let’s break some of this down a bit so that we can get a good understanding of how all this plays out.
It really is no mystery at all when we see and comprehend that the truth is really true and all else is made up like CGI or computer-generated images.
“As long as you keep going, you’ll keep getting better. And as you get better, you gain more confidence. That alone is success.”
Get It Done Creatively
Actually, this is the only way to get stuff done without all the resistance and procrastination. When we are creating we are being true to ourselves and expressing the unique parts of ourselves.
This happens naturally when we want to do it. The majority of the time that we feel stuck or just reluctant to get stuff done is when we are not inspired to do it. We are not aligned with our creative center.
Decide to Get It Done
“Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It’s about impact, influence and inspiration. Impact involves getting results, influence is about spreading the passion you have for your work, and you have to inspire team-mates and customers.”
Getting things done really is only a decision away. It is vital to have clarity of purpose so that the means to get stuff done can be provided in the most efficient and effective way.
When we know where we are going, and it is a direction we really want to go for the right reasons, then it is a done deal once the decision is made. We are inspired to follow through and handle any roadblocks and resistance along the way.
When we are inspired, others will be inspired as well. It is contagious, and people will sense that we have something authentic and genuine to share.
Get It Done Regardless of Current Circumstances
No matter our starting point and the challenges we have, getting stuff done only requires taking that first step to break the inertia and create some momentum. The size of the step doesn’t matter as it will lead naturally to the next step as well.
When we are aligned with a genuine purpose we are invigorated about the journey and welcome all challenges. The end result is just part of the process.
Here are a few ideas to help us get started in getting stuff done.
- Write out a list of everything that needs to get done both small and large tasks. Use separate lists for business and personal items.
- Prioritize each list according to its overall importance and timeline. Do the most urgent tasks first regardless of the difficulty level.
- Organize tasks on a step-by-step basis in order to make each step doable and lower any resistance that may occur.
- Deal with any resistance that surface noting the thoughts and feelings that arise and allow them to flow through. Simplify the step if necessary in order to maintain momentum.
- Set deadlines as necessary for activity tasks but not necessarily for the big-picture goal unless there are specific time restraints. A big dream needs to set its own time frame dependent on many factors that are hard to plan at the onset. Be realistic about any deadlines set.
- Eliminate as many distractions as possible when working on a task so that it is easier to stay focused until the task is completed.
- Delegate as many tasks as possible in order to spend time on the most important issues.
- Set up a timer for 45-minute or 1-hour segments in order to break things up and allow some time to relax.
- Automate as many tasks as possible, especially the repetitive ones, in order to save time.
- Use technology wisely to increase efficiency and effectiveness.
- Track results and make changes as needed.
These ideas will get us off to a good start and keep us focused on the task at hand. When we encounter any problems or challenges, they are only signals that we need to get a bit more creative and find the appropriate solution.
We are the only person that can get in our way. With the right mindset, we can accomplish any goal or desire that we set for ourselves.
Whether we realize it or not, we are in control of our minds, and since that is the case when we learn to think the way we want to think on a conscious basis, it’s game over. We then will make appropriate and constructive decisions that will lead to actions that produce positive results.
There are a few strategies we can employ to get stuff done effectively and efficiently.
First, let’s do some planning so that we are prepared to begin. Dependent on the project this may entail obtaining the needed materials.
Second, let’s put some sort of system in place that tracks our efforts and indicates when we need to do certain things like purchase more supplies.
Last;y, let’s be flexible in changing our plan as new information is gathered along the way. This is part of enjoying the process and not getting stuck in our old ways of doing things.
Get It Done Now Not Later
All of this contributes to eliminating procrastination and getting stuff done in a timely fashion. When we are clear on our objective and have a plan from which to proceed, all signals are on Go.
This also reveals a very intriguing fact, that can only be experienced for its full effect; our power resides right this very moment, and we can use that power in any way we choose.
When we are not conscious of this we use this very same power against ourselves by just going through the motions based on our limiting beliefs and false perceptions that we absolutely believe are true.
Consequently, this is a very subtle process that demands our utmost focus and attention in the present moment to monitor our thoughts to determine their validity based on results and not on prior experiences that may have been traumatic causing the adoption of these beliefs.
Once this “undoing” process is complete we have a clean slate from which to create our heartfelt objectives and goals.
At this point, it is a no-brainer to get it done now, and not later, as it truly is only a decision away.
All the very best in getting stuff done in a fun and joyful way,
Joseph William
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As someone who is interested in productivity and time management, I found your article on “getting things done” to be very insightful and practical. I appreciated your exploration of the various strategies and techniques that individuals can use to overcome procrastination, increase focus and productivity, and achieve their goals.
One experience I have had with my own productivity journey is that it can be challenging to stay focused and motivated over the long term, especially when faced with competing demands and distractions. Your article provides a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their productivity and achieve their goals, as well as how to develop the mindset and habits necessary for sustained growth and progress.
Thanks, Ronnie. Your thoughts and comments are very much appreciated. All the Best!