Best Marine Phytoplankton — Treasure From The Sea

The best marine phytoplankton is the result of several factors. Phytoplankton, also known as microalgae, is mostly recognized for providing food for shellfish and other sea creatures. The word itself is derived from the Greek words “phyto” or plant, and “planktos” or wandering.

Best Marine Phytoplankton

It has now become known as a superfood from the ocean with amazing properties to sustain and improve health. Let’s get into some of the details of why this is the case, as well as information about the best marine phytoplankton now available.

Best Marine Phytoplankton — The Significance of Phytoplankton

Phytoplankton is similar to other plants in that it contains chlorophyll and needs sunlight to thrive. It floats in the upper part of the ocean being exposed to the sunlight.

It converts inorganic nutrients such as sulfur, phosphates, and nitrates into fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. There are two main classes of phytoplankton, diatoms and dinoflagellates.

Phytoplankton provide food for a variety of sea life such as shrimp, jellyfish, and snails. It has a long history going back 3 billion years and is considered the foundation of life on Earth.

These single-celled microorganisms support the growth of life and help create the planet’s atmosphere. They use sunlight to generate energy through photosynthesis. They support food chains in fresh and saltwater environments.

Phytoplankton is the most abundant plant on Earth and the base food of the oceanic ecosystem. It induces cellular awakening and signaling.

Many modern diets lack sufficient nutrition due to depleted soil, fertilizers, and the chemicals in processed foods are not ideal for proper digestion. Phytoplankton, the ocean’s superfood, has provided a major breakthrough in the health of humans as well as pets.

Many Phytoplankton Products Available

There are several options available regarding phytoplankton with many merely knockoffs or imitations of the top brand. They are easily identified by their lack of transparency regarding customer support access, real testimonials, company history, authentic documentation, and low prices.

They are unlikely to produce optimum results as they are cultivated in artificial seawater. When examined under a microscope the phytoplankton looks damaged.They do not meet the standards of the best marine phytoplankton.

Best Marine Phytoplankton — Gaditana Original

Gaditana Original phytoplankton, cultivated and produced by Blugenics Naturals LLC, based in Las Vegas, Nevada, has been delivering life-changing results by providing the highest standards of purity and quality in its product.

Its significance is now shaping the future of health and wellness in so many ways. This core nutrient is not a supplement or medication but a whole pure food that has helped many with their overall health.

This is a ten-year-old product originally sold only in Canada through retail pharmacies, Costco, and naturopathic doctors. It’s a 100% pure product with no additives.

It is now available in the USA, Australia, Mexico, and the Bahamas in addition to Canada.

About Biogencis

The founder and president of Biogenics is David Hunter.

He was introduced to Phytoplankton in 2005 in British Columbia by a sea farmer, Tom Harper, who did the original work on 200 strains. Initially used for shellfish nourishment, David quickly learned the health benefits associated with marine phytoplankton.


After observing his health results as well as that of a coworker, David committed to share this with others. He was helped with resolving his health challenges with allergies and chronic migraines.

Continuing his research to find a strain that produced consistent results, he chose Nannochloropsis Gaditana Lubian. This is a holistic subspecies identified by Professor Carlos Lubian in 1997 in the Atlantic ocean off the coast of Spain.

Monitored for safety and lack of contamination it is a freeze-dried extract with only 2% moisture. It required six (6) years to pass the stringent regulatory process in Canada before being brought to market.

Although initially skeptical, it was a pharmacist who created the first breakthrough in the market when the product alleviated his acid reflux. He then stocked the product throughout his network of stores. This was the beginning of the product’s exposure and subsequent growth.

Blugenics is a phytoplankton company and not a supplement company. The product is grown and processed with minimal impact on the environment. They company is committed to providing the best marine phytoplankton on the market.

Now the product has expanded to serve a larger audience of people in more countries and also serves the health needs of pets.

Through marketing and word of mouth, they have expanded from only Canada to Australia, Mexico, the United States, and the Bahamas.

David has partnered with industry experts Paul Redmayne and Eric Swaim to create Blugenics.

The product is ensured to be free from toxins and safe to consume as a result of having a cutting-edge growing facility where Gaditana Original Phytoplankton is globally endorsed by ISO 22,000 and HACCP for food safety. In addition, Bluegenics has a GRAS (Generally Recommended as Safe) rating in Canada and the USA, and Novel Food for Marine Microalgae authorization in Europe.

Pristine water from the ocean off the coast of Spain is used in this process. The facility has a proprietary technique that maximizes nutritional output, and Bluegenics is the exclusive grower of Gaditana Original with an in-house laboratory.

The company is proactive in preserving the ecosystem through this process. It is committed to sustainability.

Best Marine Phytoplankton — A Specific Strain

Gatitana Original phytoplankton is a very specific Atlantic Ocean strain of marine phytoplankton. It is nutritionally powerful because of several factors.

This microalgae creates and maintains cells since it contains all the needed nutrients. Some of these nutrients are calcium, vitamins A, C, D, & K, protein, iron, omega fatty acids, selenium, magnesium, antioxidants, beta carotene, as well as dietary fiber for healthy digestion.

Marine phytoplankton has a 100% absorption rate so it is highly bioavailable. It enters the bloodstream directly. It is also rich in phytochemicals and chlorophyll.

Marine phytoplankton is both a high-energy source and a nutritious natural food. It gives an energy boost since it has 400 times the energy capability of any other known plant. Because of its nutritional density, it is ideal for both humans and pets.

What Really Sets Gaditana Original Apart from Others on the Market?

Due to the company’s commitment to excellence and the product’s unique origins, Gaditana Original is in a class by itself. David Hunter, the President of Bluegenics, has taken the time and expense to ensure the highest standards of the product’s effectiveness and quality.

For example, he discovered that if the product was offered in tablet form, its effectiveness would be compromised due to fillers and artificial binders needed in the production of the tablet. Thus he only offers Gaditan Original in powder form.

As previously mentioned there are many knock-offs and imitations on the market that do not come close to meeting these standards. They are more interested in selling at a lower price at the expense of quality and effectiveness.

Gaditana Original is not man-made. it is untouched by artificial formulations. Being a one-source ingredient, it is thought to contain an undiscovered peptide (protein) that re-energizes the immune system.

Best Marine Phytoplankton — It’s All About the Customer

Blugenics has a “Product First” strategy with its intention to positively impact the lives of millions around the world. Their innovative wellness and health technology reflects the expertise of the visionary behind this health and wellness movement, David Hunter.

The company is proud to provide such a life-changing product in its purest form. As a fundamental nutrient source, it forms the basis of all nutrition.

It is ironic that for the most part, the nutrition industry has overlooked phytoplankton since it is a master nutrient with such a high degree of potency. This is a revolutionary movement of making people aware of phytoplankton’s transformative effects on vitality and well-being.

Blugenics is committed to having a positive impact on the lives of many and their pets, as well as the environment. The market test in Canada over several years has proven unequivocally that Gaditana Original Phytoplankton, as the original source of pure nutrition, has the potential to ignite a significant improvement in the quality of life of humans and their pets.

Now for a Few Testimonials

Gaditana Original Phytoplankton is a product that everyone should try at least once. Although specific claims cannot be made, its potential has been verified. The best marine phytoplankton is a result of providing the purest form possible in the most bioavailable manner.

It also comes with a 60-day unconditional money-back guarantee.

Below is a video of people sharing their specific experiences and results from the product.


CLICK HERE to Learn More and Order Gaditana Original Phytoplankton.

May all be Blessed with Optimum Health and Peace of Mind,

Joseph William

Best Marine Phytoplankton

8 thoughts on “Best Marine Phytoplankton — Treasure From The Sea”

  1. This was engaging read about phytoplankton. It seems to be an incredible superfood from the sea. You did a great job of pointing out the benefits of Gaditana Original, with its rigorous standards and purity. Is phytoplankton good for the diet of all marine fish? Or are there certain species? Should it also be fed to fish that are primarily meat eaters? 

    • Thanks for your comments and thoughts, Scott. All fish do not eat phytoplankton because some of them are unable to filter the small phytoplankton particles from the water. They have other kinds of nutrition such as feeding on other plants or hunting other fish.

  2. What an informative and well-researched article on the amazing benefits of marine phytoplankton! I’m fascinated by how this microscopic organism can have such a profound impact on our health and well-being. The level of detail provided on the Gaditana Original phytoplankton and the company’s commitment to quality and sustainability is really impressive.
    As someone who is always looking to optimize my nutrition as I age, I am always open to learning about new products, especially natural supplements

  3. Hey Joseph,

    Your articles get more and more interesting by the week 🙂

    I have shared this article with my niece because she LOVES the sea and marine. I will let you know what she thinks and if she can leave a comment, I will encourage her to do so.

    Thank you for sharing my friend, and keep these beautiful articles coming.

    All the best,


  4. Joseph, your deep dive into marine phytoplankton is like a journey to the depths of health and wellness! From its origins as the foundation of oceanic life to its emergence as a superfood for humans and pets alike, you’ve illuminated the transformative potential of this tiny yet powerful organism.

    As you highlight the importance of authenticity and purity in phytoplankton products, it’s clear that Gaditana Original stands out as a beacon of quality in a sea of imitations. Your dedication to offering this nutrient powerhouse in its purest form underscores your commitment to customer health and satisfaction.

    But here’s a question floating on the surface: With the growing awareness of marine phytoplankton’s benefits, how do you envision its role evolving in the future of nutrition and wellness? I’d love to hear your thoughts on the expanding horizons of this oceanic treasure!

    • Thanks Chas for your thoughtful insights. As awareness grows and testimonials increase Marine Phytoplankton will play a major role in supplying the world’s nutritional needs. If offers many health benefits without detrimental side effects.


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